Brooklyn's House - 5

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Jack's P.O.V.
After talking about, nothing for hours, we went to Brooklyn's house. He wanted to protect me, he really is my Guardian Angel. I'm starting to fall for him, but I can't let him. My dads really homophobic and he would kick me out. Well that would be good, I'll be away from him but I'll have no home.
"What's on your mind?" I heard Brook asked.
"I'm just really greatful, from you doing this for me" I smiled blushing, looking down to hide my red cheeks.
"Aww, I'll do anything to keep you safe" he said after giving me a hug.

Brook then opened the door holding my hand. I looked around. The house was beautiful, it has fairy lights, lighting up the room.

Brooks P.O.V.
I walked in hand in hand, I saw his face look ashonished, almost instantly. I laughted.
"I'm going to make some dinner, make yourself feel like him" I went to make dinner. I decided to make homemade Pizza and chips/fries (for the non British readers 😂), with some vegetables, while I was cooking the chips felt a pair of hands in my waist.
"Do you need any help?" Jack whispered in my ear suductivly. It made me shiver, I then blushed.
"Yes, I really would like that" I said to him. He then stood next to me.

Jack's P.O.V.
"What don't need help with?" I asked, standing next to him. He then gave a list of things to do.
"I would like you to take the chips out in 5 minutes, while you wait, please can you cut the carrots and potatoes, when you take the chips out, you'll need to place them here" he pointed to the countertop.
"Then I want you to kneed the pizza dough, and you can put what you want in it"
"Whooh that's a lot" I said laughing.
"You asked for help me" he said laughing back, kissing my cheek, then doing what he was doing before.

While I was kneeding the pizza dough, I heard Brook singing to the song 'Wolves by Selena Gomez' when he was boiling the water. I blushed because his voice sounded like an Angel.

Hope you enjoy this chapter ♥️♥️♥️
Word count: 381
See ya on the flip side!
- Holly G x

Guardian Angel ~ Jacklyn ~ Roadtrip - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now