Yes? - 25

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                         Brook's P.O.V.
Jack has spent a lot of time with his family and it's making him happy. Jack's dad hasn't showed up and it got better for him. I'm still having the same nightmares but I'll survive. I want Jack it be in my life forever and he makes me the happiest man alive. He is my soulmate. My heart and soul. My best friend. My lover. My life.

He is at his mom's house, spending time with his family, since it's nearly Christmas. This gives me time to get this gift. This gift is going to be with him forever. This gifts shows our love and passion together. This gift is going to bring us closer.

I went to the shop, it had beautiful ...s.
"Hi, what would you like I buy?" A nice lady welcomed me.
"I would like to get a ... for my boyfriend but I don't know what to pick."
"Oh okay, I'll be happy to help". "My name is Sapphire, by the way."
"Ooh, Sapphire's a nice name"
"Thanks" she smiled, I did too. "So what is his name?"
"His name is Jack"
"Okay, what does he like?"
"He like's silver ...s" "He always wears then"
"Alright, is that okay?"

It had an infinity sign and it was beautiful.

"It's beautiful, but can we look for some more, just incase I find anything better?"
"Yeah, sure" she smiled and we walked to a display of ...s.

"What about this?"

This was much better than the other one, it was silver with diamonds inbetween the gaps. It was gorgeous.

"Yes, this is the one, it's stunning, how much is it?"
"It's £9,560"

That's a little pricy but I'll get anything to make Jack happy.

"Yh, I'll buy it"

I went to the till, with my gift and brought it. I can't wait till he sees it.
"Thank you," I said, as I leave the shop.

I walked back home and hid the gift secretly where Jack won't be able to find it.

Jack got home a couple of hours ago and we've just been sitting in the sofa, watching tv and cuddling.

"So Jack, I am going to take you out on a date, be ready by 7:0opm and normal attire" I said, standing up, walking toward the gift, getting it and then slipping out the door, letting him get ready.

I am going to the woods, to make our picnic, it's going to be by the lake.

                             Jack's P.O.V.
He just left. I saw that he took something, I don't know what it was but it wasn't any of my business, I trust him. I don't know why he left but I need to be ready by 7:00pm and right now, it's 5:45pm. I'm a bit worried because of our last date. I hope nothing bad happens, agian.

I am wearing my black Adidas hoodie with black ripped jeans and white trainers. It's really cold outside, so I'm going to bring a jacket.

It's now 6:55pm, I have done everything I need to get ready. Brook is coming in 5 minutes, so I am going to watch some 'Friends'.

                        Brook's P.O.V.
I was running abit late but it's fine, he'll forgive me.

I knocked onto the door. No answer. I knocked agian. No answer. I walked in wondering what's happens.

He was in the couch bundled up with loads of blankets around him, he was watching 'Friends'. He reminded me of the movie 'E.T'. The theme tune was playing and he clapped to the beat. I couldn't stop laughing once he did. He turned around, startled. As soon as he saw me, he laughed as well.
"You look like 'E.T' " I laughed.
"Yeah, yeah" he said sarcastically. He smiled.
"You ready to go?" I asked.
"Yeah, lemme get my jacket"

                           Jack's P.O.V.
We are driving in the middle of the woods, I'm really confused.
"Brook, you do know we are in the middle of the woods?"
"Yeah, I know" he laughed.

{time changed}

                     Jack's P.O.V.
"Jack, you make me the happiest man alive, you have helped me through my bad times and good times. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you" he grabbed a small box out of his back pocket. I'm crying but frozen, out of shock.
"So Jack, My Irish bean, Jonk, Jackie, Jonkey, Richard, Daniel Duff, I want to spend the rest of my left with you, to start a family together, and to live life the fullest with you. Will you marry me?" I fell in to my knees, crying and hugged him.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I muffled, still crying of joy. We stood up and he slid the engagement ring in my finger. I am amazed on how beautiful it is.

They are getting married!!!
This is the longest chapter I have ever made 😂
I hope you have enjoyed this chapter ♥️
Wordcount: 826
-Holly x

Guardian Angel ~ Jacklyn ~ Roadtrip - Completedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें