Birmingham- 20

310 17 3

                       Brook's P.O.V.
"I love you" I whispered softly in Jack's ear.

-The Next Morning-

The rude awakening, from my alarm on my phone, woke me up. I quickly ended it before it'll wake up the beautiful creature on top of me. We slept in the sofa last night. Last night was one of my worst nights but also one of the best nights ever. I hate talking about my feelings or my past but I loved how Jack was always there for me, if I told about my feeling to my dad, he'll call me weak, but now I know that I have Jack forever, he is my soul-mate and I am happy we have mutual connections. Since he has entered my life, I have been happier than I have ever had. Like a normal person, I'll have my moments, but my boyfriend were always there for me. I have alwayed lived with a mask, like everything is always okay in my life, but really it's not, it's the total opposite.

We are moving to Birmingham today, we have already packed most things, I have just need to pack our toothbrushes and all the stuff that we needed this morning. I woke Jack up by attacking his face with light kisses.
"Jackk... Wakey... Wakey" I whispered, inbetween kisses.
He starts to stir.
"5 more minutes" he said with his groggy morning voice, turning around, facing the back of the couch, still on me. I shook him gently, laughing slightly.
"We're moving to Birmingham today, we've got to get up early"
"What time is it?" He mumbled.
"6:45am, come on babe, I'll make you come pancakes and then I'll help you with packing."
"Yeah, get up and dressed, I'm making breakfast"
"Okay, I love your pancakes" he smiled, laying flat in my chest, staring deep into my eyes. He kissed me and then started to get ready.

I went into the kitchen to find a note from Jack's dad.

Jack, come home your grandma is really ill
-Dad x

Well that's a lie, both of his grandma's have passed away. I crumpled up the piece of paper and chucked it in the bin (trash can, for the international readers) before I made some breakfast. I was listening to some music while cooking the pancakes.

                             Jack's P.O.V.
I slowly walk into the kitchen, hearing music on the radio, I also saw Brook dancing, I had to film this.

He flipped the pancake, I screamed out of excitement because he caught it, it made him jump and I HAVE FILMED EVERYTHING!!

"Did you film that?" He said pointing at my phone, excited that he caught it.
"Yee boi!" I said laughing. "I also caught you dancing to the radio"
"Noo!" He said, laughing. I stopped recoding.
"Aha, I love you so much" I said, laughing hugging him. I kissed him, softly.

                       Brook's P.O.V.
"Where's my hairbrush?" I heard Jack shout from my room.
"It's in here" I say walking in the bathroom. I took the Brush. "They you go" I smiled at him.
"Thank you" he smiled back.

I hope everyone get what they wanted, I definitely did, I got a bike also I've always wanted Love, Simon, because I love gay films 😂 and I got it this year!! I also got the book with it!!
And I just watched it and I cried at least 3 times 😂😂♥️
I wish you and your love ones a very Merry Christmas, I hope you have/had a good day ♥️
Word count: 596
-Holly x

Guardian Angel ~ Jacklyn ~ Roadtrip - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now