Unpacking- 23

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                                               Jack's P.O.V.

I woke up before Brook, everytime I am in a new bed or in a different room, my sleeping pattern is messed up. Anyway, it's 5:47am and I am currntly watching my angel sleep. He looks so peaceful, not a wrinkle or stressed marks in sight. He really is a beautiful person. I didn't realised I have been watching him for so long because now it's now 6:37am. He starts to stir before he wakes up. His eyes flutters open. He jumps a little.

"You scared me" He laughed.

"Sorry" I smiled.

"What were you doing up so early? Its half six in morning."

"My sleeping pattern is messed up"

"Oh okay, I'm going to make some breakfast, you go back to sleep, you must be tired."

"I'm not tired, can I help?"

"Yeah, 'corse you can"

                                         Brooklyn's P.O.V.

I walked down stairs, expecting Jack's dad has done something to the house, but everything is fine. Today is the first day he hasn't done anything to ruin our day. We walked into the kitchen to make some breakfast. I am cooking the sausage and bacon, while jack is making fried eggs, pancakes and toast.

After eating our meal, we had to start unpacking.

"So Brook, I'll unpack all the food in th kitchen and you can unpack our clothes" Jack told me. I smiled at him. I walked up the stairs and start to unpack.

After 4 hours of decorating and unpacking things, we decided to go to the town centre to get some food and have a break.

                                                   Jack's P.O.V.

We went to Nando's to eat lunch after a long morning. We both sat at a booth and ordered our food.

"I'll have 5 chicken wings meal and pepsi, please" I said to the waiter.

"And I'll have the same" Brook smiled. I saw the lady wink at him.


The lady turned around.

"Jack, it's okay" I heard Brook say. But i was so angry, his voice was a blur. My emotions were focusing on this stupid woman, infront of me.

"Yeah, Whats wrong?" The lady asked, like she was innocent.

"You know you just winked at MY BOYFRIEND!"

"Boyfriend?..." She looked digusted.

"Yes, boyfriend, is that a problem?" Brook stood up and asked this rude lady.

"Prove it!" she shouted

"What?" i asked, confused.

"Prove that you are boyfriends"

"Are you okay with this?" I asked Brook, quietly. I suddenly felt a pair of lips on mine. This felt needy, like he was sad, but this kiss had eletricity, I wont ever stop feeling this way, with Brook.

"Oh... Sorry" I heard the waiter leave. I parted our grip.

"I love you" I said, hugging him.

After we ate out food, we walked through town hand in hand. I saw someone familer infront of me.

"MOM!?!" I shouted. She turned around.



I hope you have enjoyed this chapter, i might start doing two a day because its half term and i have alot of spare time 😂😂

also go add my bestie @charliebateman05 and go read his book, i love it 😂😂

Also i have finished written alll of my chapter, i just need to publish it.

Thankyou for all of your love and support ❤❤

WordCount:  514

- Holly x

Guardian Angel ~ Jacklyn ~ Roadtrip - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now