Our Day Out - 9

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                             Jack's P.O.V.
We were in Adsa, doing our food shopping. We were doing loads of sully things there, it was so funny. Brook climes out of a shelf. We also saw Mikey who was randomly dancing to 'Bring it all back' from 5 club 7. It was hilarious untill I got caught once one of the staff saw me in the freezer.

We then went to 'river island' to get some clothes, I got some jeans. I went to 'Next' while Brook has gone to 'Greggs' to get some food. I got some hoodies and shirts. Brook asked me to meet him in 'New look'. Brook wasn't there so I bent to set some joggers and underwear. I saw Brook standing there in the men's isle, with a man, he looked very familiar.

                       Brooks P.O.V.
I was looking at the Joggers in the men's isle, to feel an aggressive pull from my shoulder, I turned around to see Jack's dad facing me, I also saw Jack a few metres behind him.

I mouthed to jack, making saw his dad didn't see me.
"Turn around" he did as he was told.
"WHERE IS MY SON?! IM GOING TO BEAT HIM, WHEN I FIND HIM!" He shouted, spitting in my face, still pulling my shoulder.
"CAN YOU GET OFF ME!" I shouted loader than him.
"WHERE IS HE!?!!" He shoited, close to my face. His breath smelt like very strong alcohol. A worker cane up to me.
"Is this man bothering you?" She asked.
"Yes he is"
"Okay... I want you to get out!" She shoued at him, pointing the door. He walked towards the door. Untill...

He saw him, my heart stopped. I managed to run to him before his dad got to him. He was behind me.

                            Jack's P.O.V.
I kept on hearing my dads voice shouting at Brooklyn, my heart sank. He got kicked out, but just before he walked out, he saw me and screamed my name, he then ran towards me, Brook got there before me, he pushed me gently behind him. I started crying. Dad pushed Brooklyn away with ease and gripped tightly in my arm pulling me toward the door.
"BROOKLYN... HELP!" I screamed in pain, echoing through the shop.

                   Brooklyn's P.O.V.
Jack screams echoed in my head. I had to protect him, I'm litterly his Gardian Angel, I ran quickly toward them and punched him in the face. He blacked it, jack has already payed for his stuff so we ran straight home, hand in hand. When we got there, he was still crying. I picked him up and delicately places him in my bed, like he was a thin piece of glass, he looked very sleepy. I decided to put nexflix on and join him in bed, I felt him cuddle up next to me. I then heard soft snores comping from his lips. I turned off the TV and snuggled up to him. I feel asleep, listening to his heavy breathing.

This is a long chapter 😂😂
Hope you enjoyed it xx
Word count: 516
-Holly G x

Guardian Angel ~ Jacklyn ~ Roadtrip - CompletedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang