All Is Forgiven - 28

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                        Brook's P.O.V.
It has been a few days after the engagement party, me and Jack are attempting to plan our wedding.. well all we have done, is decided  who is our bride maids and Grooms men. After arguing about who to bring and a few kisses. We both left to meet my dad. I didn't want to bring Jack because I know my dad won't hurt me but he insisted, just incase.

My dad wanted I meet me at the town park.

Me and Jack walked to to the park, hand in hand. I see my dad in the distance. I haven't seen my dad in years. I have gotten a new house at age 16, to get away from him and now after 4 years, I'm going to see him agian. Is this a good idea? Should you trust him? Do you-
I got interrupted.
"You can do this Brook, I know you can, I'll always be by you, to protect you, if anything happens" he hugged me, to calm my nerves.

My dad has seen us and us walking towards us.
"Hey Brook" he walked to me and gave me a hug. It was weird because he didn't smell like alcohol, not even a drop.
"Hey dad" I choked out because I was crying. I felt my shirt becoming wet, he was crying too.
"I missed you, Brooklyn."
"I missed you too, dad"

After our moment we left the park, to go to a restaurant. It was fancy, I was definitely not dressed right for this. To be honest, Jack of dad wasn't too.

We talked, cried, apologied, laughed, smiled. This is the first time you have ever seen my dad like this. It's strange but you like it, I just wish he was like this at my most valuable part of my life, but I am happy now because he is getting better.

Before we left, me and jack have decided, if he is kind and not mean to us, then he can walk me down the isle.

"So dad, me and Jack has agreed about something, it's about you, and we would like your permission?"
I looked over to Jack, who is smiling as bright as I am. He nodded, knowing what I'm going to say.
"What is it?"
"So, in the summer we are getting married, and we you want to ask if you could be the person, to walk me down the isle?"
I saw him covering mouth and nose, with tears in his eyes. I looked at Jack, he had tears in his eyes too. I blinked and a tear fell, you didn't realised until I felt it.
"Y-Yes, I wo-would love t-to"
He said with tears, falling.

After hours in hours, we went home and straight to bed because your was 10:15pm and we are tired. He fell asleep first and I soon fell asleep following his breathing, with him in my arms.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, only 3 chapters left before it's the end of the book xx
Thank you for the love and support ♥️
Wordcount: 523
-Holly x

Guardian Angel ~ Jacklyn ~ Roadtrip - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now