Unrecognisable - 7

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Brook's P.O.V.
"We has enough drama, today" I said to him. He smiled.

Jack's P.O.V.
I smiled back because he said 'we', like we went through it together. After eating our dinner, Brook asked if we could cuddle. I nodded, lying in bed with him.

Brook's P.O.V.
I watched him lie there next to me, I then put a movie on Netflix. I wrapped one arm around his waist and the other in his soft, fluffy hair. I felt Jack hug me, gently. Midway through the film, I heard quiet, soft, snores ascaping his lips, I turned off the TV and just stared up at the ceiling, I was listening to his snores, as well as following his breathing with mine. I slowly fell asleep, with him in my arms.

— The Next Morning —

Jack's P.O.V.
I woke up Brook home. I looked around frantically, on the bed, trying to find him. I then caught him in the corner of my eye. I turned my head, to see him sitting on a chair, staring and smiling at me.
"Goodmorning, did you sleep well?" I heard him say, sending shivers down my spine.

Brook's P.O.V.
"Yeah, your bed's really comfy, when did you wake up?" I heard him say.
"I just woke up" I lied, I've been awake half and hour ago, I just wanted to watch him sleep, it's so peaceful and sweet.
"Oh okay" I felt my body shiver because of his morning voice.
"Do you want some pancakes for breakfast?" I said.
"Yes please, I'm quite hungry" he said chuckling. I went to kiss him on the cheek and walked down the stairs to see a manly figure standing there, he was unrecognisable. I heard Jack come down stairs.

Jack's P.O.V.
I went down stairs because I decided to join Brook. My face frozen on who he was with.

Brook's P.O.V.
"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" I shouted at the man.
"NO YOU HAVE MY STUPID SON! NOW WHERE IS HE!?!" I turned around to see him crying.
"Jack!" I ran towards him, holding his hand.

Hey everybody, I'm really sorry that I haven't updated this Fanfiction for awhile, I was caught up with school and everything. Just I hope you like this chapter, sort of left it with a cliffhanger sorry xx
Word count: 396
See ya on the flip side x
- Holly x

Guardian Angel ~ Jacklyn ~ Roadtrip - CompletedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang