Epilogue - 31

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                                         Jack's P.O.V.

"Come on, Rye and Harvey, we need to go to school." I shout from downstairs. Brook is making lunch, while get the boys ready.

"Coming dad!" Rye shouted, following footsteps from the stairs.

"Papa, can you help me please?" I poked my head in his door, he was struggling to put his shirt on.

"Let me help you" I laughed.


"Right boys, get out of the car now, have a good day, I love you, both" I say, kissing their cheeks.

"Uggh, dad! Get off me" Rye said, getting out the car.

"I love you, Papa!" Harvey said."I love you too, darling. I'm going to miss you"

"Bye!" He shouted, as I drive away.


"Finally, peace and quiet" I fell on the couch and then I heard a cry.

"I'll go get her" Brook said.

"Thank you, babe" I smiled.

Brook came down wth Baby Sapphire.

"Hello darling, are you ready for some breakfast?" I said, while she is still in Brook's arms. She laughed.

"You are so adorable!" Brook said, snuggling in her face.


                                             Brook's P.O.V.

"We're home!!" I heard Rye and Harvey shout, walking through the kitchen.

"Hey kids, did you have a good day?"

"Yeah, I did." Harvey said, giving me a picture he painted. To be honest it's quite bad, but its okay, he's only a kid. I walk to the fridge, to hang it with a magnet.

"That's really good, Harvs" He smiled, brightly.

"What about you, Rye?" I asked.

"Mine was so stressful, I had a mock exam today." Rye said, hanging his coat.

"Awh, it'll be all over soon, you will be going to collage and then university and be a nurse like you've always wanted to."

"I'm excited for that" He smiled.

Jack walked in with Sapphire, in his arms.

"Hello, Saph!!" Harvey and Rye said, walking up to them.

I hugged Jack from behind and kissed his neck. We then had a group hug.

We are like one big, happy family...



thats the last chapter of this book 😥

I'm gonna die in a hole now 😂😂

I am so grateful for all of your love and support ❤❤

And I would like @girlroddie_0 and @charliebateman05 for being the most frequency readers.

I love you all 💕💕

Wordcount: 385

- Holly x 

Guardian Angel ~ Jacklyn ~ Roadtrip - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now