Trust Issues - 27

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                     Brook's P.O.V.
We got him, after cleaning up the venue, to see something in the kitchen counter.

It was a note, I was about nervous because I am scared what if Jack's dad found out where we live? What would happen now? I can't afford another house. He's gonna ruin our lives again. I think it was clear, I was nervous because I felt a small hand, gripping into mine
"It's okay Brook, do you want me to look at it?" He suggested nicely.
"No, I'll look." He smiler at me and I smiled back.

I walked towards the note, shaking. I don't want it to be Jack's dad who sent the note.

I have found out that you and your boyfriend (now fiancé) have been engaged, congratulations. I have changed my opinion about the LGBTQ+ community. I have realised that they are the same people and needed to be treated like everyone else. I know I have been mean to you, about this. I'm sorry, you don't have to accept my apology but just remember that I am. I would like to see you again. My number is ....................., if you want to contact me.
-To Brook,
-From Dad. xx

I sigh out of relief.
"What does it say?" I heard Jack ask. I showed him the note. He reads it carefully.
"Do you forgive him?"
"I don't know, it sounds legit but I have trust issues with him. He made my childhood a living hell, but I want things to go well between eachother. Should I message him?"
"Well, if you forgive him, I think you should but if he does anything to hurt you, block him, instantly"
"Okay, I'll message him now" Jack nodded and I took out my phone, from my pocket.

Brook- hey dad, you got your note. Thank you for congratulating our engagement. I'm happy you've changed your mind on the community, I'm in. I would like it if our relationship could be better. I would also like to see you again.
Dad- Yes, I think we should too. I hope Jack is making you happy. We should meet one day, I love you Brook xx
Brook- Yes, Jack is making me very happy, love you too xx

Jack was watching tv, downstairs in the living room, while Brook was in their room, texting his father.

                     Jack's P.O.V.
I was watching 'Friends' while waiting for Brook, finishing texting his dad. I felt cold and lonely, so I decided to walk into the bedroom. He was under the covers, in his boxers because it was almost bedtime, on his phone. I slid in the bed and he protectively places his hand across my waist.
"I love you" I kissed him. The kiss hit more passionate and heated. It's your imagination on what happens next...

Oooh what's happening next?!??
Yes, I am seriously fangirling over this book 😂😂
I hope you enjoyed this chapter xx
Wordcount: 493
-Holly x

Guardian Angel ~ Jacklyn ~ Roadtrip - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now