Sabine's Trial Part 1

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The next day.
Alderaan maximum prison.
Sabine pov.
I was in my sleeping when I was woken up by my cell door opening. I look up and saw guards with chains in their hands. WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!!! I yelled. Your coming with us mandalorian. One of them said. They put the chains on my arms and legs and drag me out my cell. WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME!!! To your trial for attacking the princess. One of them said and kept dragging me.

10 minutes later.
Count room
I was brought into the count and sat in a sent that was facing the audience. I saw people who look very angry. Then I saw the crew. Who also look very angry. Guess they herad about what I did the other day. Then the judge came in. All rise. He said. Everyone stand up for a minute and sat back down. The planet of the alderaan vs sabine wren. Let the court start. He bang his gable and the court started. Then a man stand up.

Citizens of alderaan we are here today for the crimes this mandalorian girl has done to our princess. Lady's and gentlemen. This girl has broken the princess arm and ribs. Miss wren do you denied the charges? He ask. No I don't. I said. Then why did you do it? Because that fake wanted be princess stole my ezra away from me. She deserves to die.

Everyone gaps. Your honor I would like to call hera syndulla to the stand. Ms. Syndulla would come up here please. Hera came up and look at me in anger before taking her sent. Now Ms. Syndulla how long how you know sabine? For 3 years. Hera said. Have you ever seen sabine act like this before? No I haven't. I know sabine can be crazy but I never seen anything like this before.

That's because... I try to speak but hera cut me off. Oh stop sabine you don't listen and look where you are. I hope your happy with yourself. That will be all Ms. Syndulla. Hera got up and went back to her sent.

1 hour later
This is getting worse and worse by the minute. Kanan was to the stand, then zeb, even chopper. The last one was leia father. Then the man spoke again. Your honor Mr. Organa has 2 surprise witnesses. Bring them in. Said the judges. My first surprise witness is ezra bridger. The doors open and ezra came.

Ezra pov.
I came in and sabine yelled my name. EZRA!!! She yelled. I look at her in disappointment. I took my sent and the man spoke. Now Mr. Bridger how long have you know Ms. Wren? He ask. 2 years. I said. Have you ever ask Ms. Wren on a date? Yes. And what was her responses? Get lost, or your wasting my time, I could never love a loth rat like you, and your not on my level.

Everyone did a big gaps. There's the problem. The rejection is what made you fall in love with the princess. So Mr. Bridger it's not your fault. It's your fault Ms. Wren. It's not my fault. I just didn't want to tell him my feelings for him yet. Sabine said. Which made him fall in love with another girl then you.

You had your chance and blow it. Then when you saw him with another girl. Your jealous blew through the room. You first came to their room and tried to leia. Strike 1. Then you follow them on their date to the crystal caves and attack leia. Strike 2. And last but no least. You broke out of prison and attack leia badly and almost killing her.

Strike 3 you're out. Mr. Bridger what do you have to say about that. I think sabine a crazy insane mandalorian who not right in the head. I said. Ezra how could you say that about me? Leia's is the one who mess up in the head not me. Sabine said.

Let's see about. Your honor my next surprise witness is none other then the princess. The man said. Bring her in. The judges said. The door open and came in was my girlfriend leia.

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