Contacting Through The Force

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1 hours later
Ezra pov.
I was still on the ship with sabine who kidnapped me. Right now I'm trying to think of a plan to contact leia and tell her what going on. But I stop thinking when sabine came in. Were about to land my husband to be. She said. Will you stop that. I not going to be your husband. I'm already married. I said back to her.

Oh don't worry. That marriage will be broken once you're married to me. Then the figure who broke her out of prison came in. We're here. The person said. Who is this and why are they helping you? Why don't you pull off helmet and show him. The figure pulled their helmet off and it was ketsu. Ketsu why are you helping her? Because I know how much she loves you and will do anything to get you.

So I decided to help her. She said. You two will pay for this. I highly doubt it. Now time to meet my mother. The ships door open and I saw mandalorians standing outside. Then one in yellow armor came up to us.

Is this him? The women said. Yes mother this is him. Sabine said. Take inside to the prison cells. He'll stay in there until tomorrow. What's happening tomorrow? I ask. Your marrying my daughter. Now take him to his cell. Yes your highness. The mandalorian warrior said. They grab me and drag me.

2 hours later
Ezra and Leia house
Leia pov.
I was back at our house. Hera and her crew came with me to keep me company and to protect me. When we came back. I found his lightsaber outside on the ground. She took him I don't know where. I just hope he's ok. I was in my room when someone called my name. Leia..... I turn around to see who called me but no one was there.

Leia... Who's there? I ask. Leia it's me ezra. Ezra where are you? Are you ok? Yes I'm ok. I'm on a mandaloraian planet call krownest. Is mira alright? He ask. Yes but I can feel her sadness that your not here. I wish I was there but you need to came save me by tomorrow. Why what's happening?

Sabine plans on marrying me tomorrow. She can't do that we're already married. Not for long. Because if she marries me. Our marriage will not exist anymore. That's mandalorian law. Well why don't you escape? I can't. I'm lock in a cell and have cuffs on that blocks my powers. Then how are you talking to me? They didn't block my mind. So what's am I suppose to do.

Crash the wedding. It's the only way to get me out of here. But... I was cut off when ezra say something. Sorry leia I have to go. Someone coming. If they come to the cell trying to talk to me and I don't respond back. Their know somethings up. Alright I'll talk to you later. Ok. Then I couldn't feel him no more. I need to talk to hera.

Ezra pov.
I stop talking to leia and sabine came into the room. How's my husband to be doing? She ask. I didn't answer her. Instead I just look at her in anger. Come ezra at least say something. I still didn't answer. Fine if you won't speak this will. She walk to the wall and press a button. The cell started to electrify. Shocking me in the process.

AHHHHHHHHHH!!! I yelled. See if you spoke when spoken to. Then that wouldn't happen. She stop pressing the button and I spoke. You sick fucking mandalorian. Then she press it again. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! See your not going to talk to me like that. I'm in control here. She stop and I spoke. Do whatever you want to me. I will never  love you. I love two people. My wife and my daughter.

Who I'll kill once I find them. YOU LEAVE THEM ALONE!!! I yelled. Don't worry once their gone maybe you and  I might start a family together. I will never start a family together with you. That's ok because I'm going to force you after the wedding. See you tomorrow ezra. Oh and one more thing. She press the button again and I yelled. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! That's to teach you a lesson. In time you will love me.

She stop and left. Leia I hope you have a plan.

Leia pov.
I was talking to hera about the plan I just came up with. You sure about this plan leia? Hera ask. Yes it's has to work an order to save ezra from sabine. I said. Then I felt something in the force. What wrong leia? It's ezra. He's in pain. We need to hurry. Right I talk to commander sato about the plan.

Hera left and I started thinking. Don't worry ezra. I will get you back. You save me from sabine. Now it's time to save you from her.

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