Sabine's Trial Part 2

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Ezra pov.
I watch as leia came in. She was in a wheelchair since she wasn't able to move for a few weeks. See what this mandalorian has done to our princess. The princess won't be able to walk for a few weeks because of her. The man said. The crowd started booing sabine and I don't blame them. This is what you get when you don't let things go.

Wow I'm amazed on what I did. I didn't know I mess her up that bad. Sabine said happy. She's doesn't realize she only making this only worst for her. Leia would you like to tell the court what happened on that night you were attack?

Leia pov.
The man ask me if I won't to tell about the attack. Yes I would like to. It all started when ezra was called be my father to help with something. He kiss me good bye and left. Oh please I bet he hated the kiss you spoil princess. Sabine said. Some shock her! The man ordered. One guard came and shock sabine in the neck. AHHHHHHH!!! She yelled in pain. Be quiet.

Go on your highness. A few minutes later I was on my bed and herad laughed and I thought it was ezra playing a prank on me but no it was sabine and she started to attack me.

I called for help but she shot my com before I could get the entire message out. I fought back and knock her helmet off and punch her in the face and her nose started bleeding. She went crazy liking a animal and punch repeatedly and broke my arm. I couldn't move anymore. I was powerless to stop her. She tried to throw me over the balcony but ezra stop her time.

Now thanks to her. I can't walk until I'm healed. Ms. Wren do you denied the story? The judge ask. No I don't but I do denied the kiss she said. If I was ezra I wouldn't want to kiss a face like that anymore. She said pointing to me.

OK SABINE THAT'S ENOUGH!!! ALL YOU HAVE DONE IS TORMENTING MY GIRLFRIEND!!! Ezra yelled. I'M ONLY DOING THIS TO GET YOU TO COME BACK TO ME AND LEAVE HER!!! Sabine yelled back. They continue to go back and forth until the judge yelled. ENOUGH!!! They both stop and look a him. We're take a shot recess. Take the mandalorian to a cell. He said and bang his gable. Ezra came to me and so did my father and ezra's friends.

Ezra pov.
How you feel? I ask. Can't move but ok. Leia said. That took a lot of courage to say daughter. Bail said. Yeah but sabine's making her self look a fool. She's not denieing anything. She's enjoying that she beat you up. Hera said. She's gone beyond crazy. She's totally on a different level now. Zeb said. Yeah let's just see what her fate is.

10 minutes later.
The recess was over and court restarted. Anymore things you have? The judge ask. Yes this right here. He pulled out a bag with some kind of device in it. This right here your honor is a ray shield disrupter. This weapon is rare and dangerous. The man said.

Ms. Wren where did you get this device from? Well judge I got off the black market here. Sabine said. Everyone gaps again. Ok that's enough. Jury make your decision. The jury left to make their decision.

5 minutes later.
They came back and the judge ask. Have you made a decision? A woman stand up and said. Yes your honor we have. With all the changes such as attack on the princess 3 times, breaking out of prison, trust passing, attempting muder, and buy things on the black market. We find sabine wren guilty.

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