Truths And Lies

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One hour later.
Leia pov.
We made back alderaan. Me and ezra look at the beautiful planet. We return to get our daughter from my father. He been keeping her while I went to rescue ezra. I know she'll be happy to see daddy again.

Ok were about to land. Hera said. It will be good to see our daughter again. Ezra said. Yes I miss her and I know you miss her very much. I said. Yes and also I miss you very much too.  Ghost to alderaan palace requesting to land? Hera ask into the com. But all we got was static. Alderaan palace do you read me? We still hear was static. Then in the clouds was saw black smoke.

Something wrong. We need to land. Ezra said. The ghost went fast and we saw the palace but it was worst. The empire was there. Oh no father. I said. What do they want with your father? Kanan ask. I don't know but find him and mira to see if their safe. Alright hera take us down. Right. Hera said as the ship landed at the palace.

Ezra pov.
The ghost landed at palace and it was on fire. We saw some stromtroops running towards us. IT'S THE REBELS!!! BLAST THEM!!! One of yelled. The rebel troops that was on the ghost came out and started blasting the stormtroopers. They all got blasted and we went up to the palace door. Then the big doors started to open and all we saw was darkness.

Then we started to hear heavy breathing. Wait I know that breathing. I said. Yeah your right ezra but it can't be him right? Kanan ask. Then someone walk out of the darkness and it was him. Darth Vader. Your right jedi. It is me. VADER WHY ARE YOU HERE!!! I yelled. It's because I came for this. He had something behind his back and showed us. It was mira. MIRA!!! Me and leia both yelled.

This child is pretty strong with the force. Stronger then other force baby. She would make an excellent sith lord  one day. Vader said. I'm not letting that happen. She will never be a sith. She will never grow up sick and twisted as you. I said and actvied my lightsaber. Wait where's my father? Leia ask. Trooper bring him. A trooper brought bail out and through him to the ground.

FATHER!!! It's alright leia. I'm fine. He said. Not for long. You'll die. But first why don't you tell her the truth. Vader said. What truth? It's nothing. I think it's time she learned the truth. What are you keeping from me father? It's nothing leia. Ok since you won't tell. I will. You see leia. Bail organa is not real your father. I am your father. WHAT!!! NO THAT CAN'T BE TRUE!!!

Search your feelings you know it to be true. Leia I'm sorry that yo... Bail was about to say but was stab by vader's lightsaber. That's enough out of you. While he was doing that. I use the force and pulled mira out of his hands and into mine. Don't worry daddy got you now. Cover trick padawan. Obi wan was wise to hide you from me leia. But I don't know where's your twin brother is.

Wait I have a twin brother? Yes you do. You, him, and your daughter are destined to be sith. Like me. THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN!!! Come leia we have to get out of here. I said and grab her hand and ran back to the ghost.

Once everyone got on board the ghost took off into hyperspace.

The Jedi And The Princess (Discontinued)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن