Back to where it all started

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I had heard about the trouble my brothers were getting in to because of another doppelgänger. I rolled my eyes at the idiocy! A century and a half later and they've gotten nowhere in life

My brothers have fallen in love with the same girl! Again!

I drove into the parking lot of the 'Mystic Grill, sighing as I switched the engine off.

My brothers and I haven't spoken in person in about 40 years. We had an argument in the 70s and I haven't spoke to them in person ever since.

We've had phone calls but I really miss seeing their faces, ugh! Even Damon's face I miss. I get out my car, open the door and walkstraight in.

I felt the curious eyes on me as soon as I stepped into the building. Stopping to search the place for them, I spotted them by the pool table.

They were looking directly at me with their mouths slightly open. The only difference I could spot was the change in hairstyle, other than that, they look the exact same.

Seconds later we were walking up to each other and I was being pulled into a huge Salvatore hug.

It was all smiles until a certain doe eyed brunette asked,"Hey, who's this?." She asks, in the annoyingly sweet voice that reminded me of Katherine. I almost gagged at the thought of that wench.

"How about you shut up, and mind your own business, doppelbitch." I'm never one to be polite, incase you havent noticed.

"Uhh, Elena, this is our sister. Damon's twin sister, Alissa. Alissa this is Elena." Elena only nodded and smiled before walking away. I already disliked her, she doesn't stand up for herself. I'm not a bully, i only bitch on people to see if they bitch back. That way i know we I be the bestest of Friends.

If that's even a word.

"Where have you been all these years." Damon asked curiously.

"Everywhere. I travelled The world. Just like I dreamed when I was little." I reply.

"We're are staying at the boarding house so you can move your stuff in today if you want." Stefan said.

"Thank you, i will." I said, kissed both my brothers cheeks before leaving.

It took a lot of compelling before I had my bedroom exactly the way i imagined.

White walls, bed in the middle, fluffy duvets, a nice clean mirror, my wardrobe, desk table and vanity.

Just how I imagined it.

Satisfied, I sigh as I jump on the king sized bed, and before I knew it, sleep had escaped me.

~ ~ ~

The next morning I woke up to Damon disturbingly singing lullabies in my ear. At first I didn't hear him but when I did I shot straight up and punched him in the gut.

"Ahhh,"he moaned holding his stomach. "What was that for?" He asked, gasping for breath. Dramatic.

" 1) I didn't know it was you, 2) don't ever get that close to me, your breathe stinks. 3) there is no three." I said half annoyed and half smirking. Damon scrunched his nose up before putting his hand over his mouth to smell his own breath, he shook his head.

Alissa Salvatore~K.MWhere stories live. Discover now