Far From Mortal

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Finally I see klaus staring at me, he seemed start stricken or something, I turned around to see if someone had a stake to my back or something. Nope, turns out he was just staring at ... me?
They both stood there as if they were in a trance, just looking at each other. He thought Alissa looked beyond gorgeous in her black gown and she though he looked quite handsome in his suit. They were both attracted to each other however, only one would admit to it.

He finally made his way to the lady but before he could, Alissa walked off to get a drink. She was handed some champagne when Damon made his way towards her, "looking beautiful 'Lissa." Alissa mocked being confused.
"I'm sorry was that actual words you just spoke to me." He rolled his eyes.
"You never spoke to me either Sherlock." And She shrugged knowing it was true, neither one of them bothered to speak to each other. Something catches Damon's eye and he walks off. She saw Susan mingling with one of the doctors that work in Mystic falls, she smiled realising it was her husband. Maybe one day she could find a love like that. She almost threw up and shook off the feeling.

Feeling left out and alone Alissa considered going home, but only after she heard Elijah's speak. A waltz? She's not done one in about 200 years. Attempting to walk to the exit, a hand wrapped around her waist and she was spun around coming face to face with someone. "Leaving so soon?" Klaus asked, disappointedly but he covered it up well. "I don't have a partner and I'm not dancing with these .. mortals." She shivered in disgust and Klaus chuckled. "Well I am far from mortal, my love." He held out his hand, she Hesitated before placing her hand in his. "Why not?" She smiled and it was at this very moment Klaus knew he was in trouble. To him, when she smiled it was as though she embraced the world. Elijah and Rebekah couldn't help but smile at the pair, not even Esther could help herself.

Dancing along to the Waltz Klaus stared in her green eyes and she looked everywhere but at him. "You're quite the dancer." klaus started the conversation. "I've had practice, I happened to have been the original Miss mystical falls." She smiled, remembering how proud Stefan and Damon were for her. "Well would you look at that, we're both originals." He tried to joke but failed miserably making Alissa laugh. He smiled hearing the goofy sound of her laugh and how she snorts at the end of it, he thought it was adorable. "You look beautiful Alissa." He said and she thanked him, saying he looked very handsome.

The waltz was over and Alissa decides on going outside for a breath of fresh air. She spots a horse and makes her way over to it smiling uncontrollably. She loved horses ever since she was little. She pets the horse on the head and it neighs letting out a strange noise, she laughs throwing her head up.

Klaus walked out the exit door wondering where she got up to when he saw her laughing, hearing her laugh was just like listening to the best kind of symphony, she had a laugh so contagious, he wondered why he was the only one that seemed effected by it. Maybe it was because he was the only one that truly saw how smart she was, the first guy she's ever met that looked beyond her looks.

"I hope I'm not interrupted." He loved hearing her laugh but he loved being the one to make her laugh more. Not knowing what to say she told him it was fine. "You like horses?" He asked.
"Very much. I used to have one when I was human, Well Stefan did. I wasn't aloud to have one but it counts." She answered smiling up at him with her green eyes that shined in the reflection of the sun, it was slowly getting dark. "I had one too, when my father was still after us. One night he found us and we were forced to flee I left him behind and he killed him." He said with no emotion in the way he talked, but Alissa could see that in his eyes it hurt him. "I'm sorry."
"It's fine." He shrugged it off, there was a bit of awkwardness in the air.
"Her name was Violet!" Alissa awkwardly and quite loudly blurred out, looking away right after she did. "Who?" He asked amusedly.
"My horse. Stefan named her Violet, after me." She said not understanding why she felt a loss in confidence suddenly. "But you're name is Alissa." He stated like it wasn't obvious.
"Violet is my middle name... well Viola is. Alissa Viola Salvatore." She explained to him, pronouncing her name with her Italian accent.
"Right, I forgot you Salvatore were Italian." He smiled loving the name, maybe one day he would change it.

"Well I'm gonna go home before Damon ruins my day." Alissa turned, getting ready to leave when Klaus gently put his hand in hers.
"I'll drive you." He said and she smiled nodding, seeing another side to him.

A/N NEW CHAPTER, HOW DID YOU LIKE IT? Will there be a baby Hope?


New character ideas ???

New character ideas ???

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