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^ im sawft baby Ali is adorable.

1 week later

Alissa sat in Susan's home, holding little Alissa close to her chest as she rocked on a chair in the living room.

She'd been ill for a few days, never really understanding what it was, she shrugged it off. Probably just new human stuff she wasn't used to.

"Hush, little baby, don't say a word.
Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird

And if that mockingbird won't sing,
Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring-" Alissa sang to the baby when she was cut off by Susan's husband, Leroy who was sitting on the couch in front of her.

"-I ain't buying no diamonds. I might be a doctor but I'm no billionaire." He says making the two laugh. Susan was out buying groceries and she thought it'd be a great time for her two favourite people to bond.

"Say it's just a song dada." 'Lissa says to baby Ali.

"It's a lovely name, Alissa is. Fell in love with the name from the beginning. Thank you."

"Oh well it was all Susan's idea but you're welcome nonetheless." Alissa smiles as she feels Ali move in her arms.

"You're good at this. You don't have a special someone?" He asks, wondering why someone as great as Alissa was spending her Saturday with two elders.

Alissa blushes thinking of Klaus and the night they'd spent. The two talked a lot more.

"Ahh there is someone." Leroy smiles.

"His name is Klaus. But with his past, I don't know ..."

"Sounds like something you should sleep on." He says. Choosing who to spend the rest of your life with is a tough choice.

Oh I've slept with him, Alissa thought.

Walking in Caroline's home Alissa immediately throws up in her bedroom bin. "Eww gross, I called you over for advice not for you to throw up in my bin, gross." She held her nose.

"That keeps happening, I don't know what's wrong with me." She holds her stomach and takes a seat on Caroline's bed.

"Are you pregnant or something?" Caroline asks.

"Ha that's funny, I don't think 1000 year old hybrids can procreate." Alissa jokes.

"You slept with Klaus!" She screams, shocked.

"Oh Gee Thanks blondy, tell the whole world why don't you?" Alissa sarcastically remarks.

"Sorry, just shocked." She smiles.

"Was it good?" Caroline nosily asks.

"I'm not discussing it." Alissa looks at her like she's crazy.

"But can you discuss it?"


"Come on."


"Just tell-"

"Caroline no!" She yells.

"Now use your vampire hearing, am I really pregnant?" Alissa looks up at Caroline worriedly. Suddenly Caroline's eyes widen and she stares at Alissa's stomach in shock and amazement, maybe even a little jealousy.

"Damn it." Alissa grabs her bag and leaves, ignoring Caroline's calls.

Walking out Alissa feels someone's arms around her and before she knew it, her nose was covered by a cloth and she was drugged. She faints, but before she hits the floor they catch her.

Who liked the little Leroy and Alissa/ father daughter moment. It's so cute, I wanted to include Susan's hubby.
Thank you so much for supporting me I can't believe I'm onto the second part of this book. The originals and I'm not stopping til there's a hope x Baby Alissa legacies fanfic.

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