As I lay dying

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Damon shows Stefan and I the werewolf bite

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Damon shows Stefan and I the
werewolf bite.
"Tyler Lockwood bit me. It's actually more of a nip, really, but there it is." Damon said and it felt as if my heart just stopped.
"We'll find something. A cure." I said looking at Stefan, hopefully.

"There's no cure, Alissa." Damon said.
"No I refuse to believe that." I said, my voice breaking a little.
"We kept Elena human, right? We found the way when there was no way. Hey. I we will do this." Stefan said.
"You want to do something for me? Keep this from Elena. Last thing she needs is another grave to mourn." Damon said.
Stefan and I turn to leave before I turn around and point my finger at his chest saying,"If either one us are gonna die, it's gonna be epic. Not a werewolf bite from a baby wolf." Alissa scoffed before walking out with Stefan.

[Alaric's apartment]
Stefan and I enter the apartment. Katherine is here sitting on the bed "Hello, Katherine." Alissa said.
She gets up
"Alissa. Two days, I've been waiting. I'm supposed to be free of Klaus' compulsion by now. He's supposed to be dead." She said.

"We ran into complications." Stefan said.
"Complications?" Katherine asked "Doesn't really matter. I just need to find him. Do you have any idea where he might be?" I asked before Katherine pushed me against the wall I grabbed her wrist twisted it and threw her across the room. Klaus and Elijah arrive right on time.
Katherine got up from the floor. "Klaus, you're back. Look who decided to come for a visit." She said trying to mask her embarrassment. Klaus and Elijah looked highly amused to see a vampire her age getting knocked down by a vampire my age.
Klaus looks at me and then Stefan "You just keep popping up, don't you?" He asked Stefan.
"We need your help... For our brother." Stefan said.
"Well, whatever it is, he's gonna have to wait a tick. You see, I have an obligation to my brother that requires my immediate attention." Klaus said, Elijah looks at Stefan and I."You understand how important family is, or you wouldn't be here. My brother gave me his word that he would reunite me with my own." Elijah said, and I understood why he betrayed us now.

"And so I shall." He puts a dagger through Elijah's heart, killing him and looks at Stefan and I."
"Now, what am I gonna do with you" He says before he vamps up to Stefan and puts a stake through him."Do you feel that? It's scraping against your heart. The slightest little movement and you're dead. I'd stay where you are if I were you Alissa." So I stood and watched." They're  just trying to help their brother." Katherine said. 
"The witches said you had a cure. Make me a deal. Just give us the cure, and I'll do whatever you want." Stefan's said.  He's on the floor. Klaus pours himself a glass of blood.

"Trouble is I don't know if you'd be any good to me the way you are now. You are just shy of useless."klaus said.

Stefan is still on the floor. Klaus has a glass of blood in his hands. Katherine is looking at them.

"I heard about this one vampire, crazy bloke, always on and off the wagon for decades. When he was off, he was magnificent. 1917, he went into Monterey and wiped out an entire migrant village... A true ripper. Sound familiar?" Klaus said and I immediately felt uncomfortable. I always had the best control.

"He hasn't  been that way in a very long time." I said.
"Well, that's the vampire I can make a deal with, love.That is the kind of talent that I can use when I leave this town." Stefan gets up.
"Katerina, come here." Katherine gets closer. He takes hers arm. His face changes, his eyes are yellow. He bites her. He looks kinda hot when he ..... god stop thinking like this Alissa.

"Aah! Aah! No. No... No. No. No " She says. He bites his wrist. He makes Katherine drink his blood and her wound heals.
Klaus looks at Stefan and I "You want your cure? There it is." He says to us. "Your blood is the cure." Stefan says.
"Gotta love Mother Nature."Klaus holds Stefan by his shoulder. "Now... Let's talk, you and I."

Klaus puts some of his blood in a vial. Stefan is looking at him. Katherine is in retreat, looking at them.
I stood next to Klaus looking at Stefan.
"There it is. You want to save your brother? How 'bout a decade-long bender? And I have big plans for you when we leave this town. You're welcome to join, love."  He winked at me when saying the last sentence. All I did was roll my eyes but I was considering it. No way would I leave Stefan alone with him.

"I'm not like that anymore." Stefan said.
"Well, that's too bad. You would have made a hell of a wingman." He pours some blood in the sink. "No, stop!" I said desperately.

"Wait." Stefan said and he stood.
"Now that's more like it. I want you to join me for a drink ." He throws him a blood bag. Stefan drinks a sip.
Klaus: Finish it. All of it. You do everything I say, and I save your brother. That's the deal.Stefan drinks all of it. Klaus throws him another blood bag, "Again."
"I'm coming with you guys." I said. Klaus looked at me surprised, Stefan already knew I would never leave him. "No, Alissa,"
"No, Stefan. I'm not leaving you with some lunatic dickhead." I said.
"I'm right next to you." Klaus said.
"We made a promise remember. Damon can't come I get that, but I'm coming with you." I said, Stefan went to open his mouth but i quickly said," Bible." And he shut it back up.

A warehouse

Elijah is in a coffin. Klaus is looking at him. Two men are here." I  suppose, brother, you've been reunited with our family." He closes the coffin and looks at the two men. " Put him with the others. We're leaving town tonight." They puts him with others coffins. Stefan receives a text from Elena telling him that Damon's okay and asking him where he is, he shows it to me and I nod and half smile.

"So... Did Katerina make it in time" Klaus asked.
"You won't be seeing her again, you know?" Stefan said.
"Because she's on vervain? I've been around a long time, Stefan. I rarely get played for a fool. Besides, she won't get far. You'll help me see to that." Klaus said to Stefan.

"What is it you really want from me?" Stefan asked the question I've been wondering for a while.
"All will be explained in time. Once we leave this tragic little town." Klaus said. " Then are we done here? Can we go?" I said, bored out of my mind. "Not quite. You see, I have a gift for you." Klaus said to Stefan. A girl is here. "Come here, sweetheart. Don't be afraid The girl rejoins them. Klaus looks at Stefan, " See, I wanna make sure you honor our deal... That you'll be of use to me." He bites the girl's neck and drinks her blood.
"I could have compelled her to behave, but a real ripper enjoys the hunt." He releases her. She leaves, screaming. Stefan stops her, bites her and drinks her blood until she's dead. Klaus looks at me . "Now we can go." He says. We start walking towards the car and he puts his hand on my lower back. He opened  the door for me like a gentlemen. Maybe this won't be so bad.

A/N I hope you liked it 😌. Btw for those of you wondering what will happen when Hayley arrives. Don't worry she will NOT get pregnant with Klaus. But there will be a baby hope. I have great plans okay trust me.

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