You're delusional

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Klaus and Alissa were back in mystic falls. Damon told her there was this dance thing going on at Tyler's so she decided to go check it out. Walking in the door she caught the eye of many horny teenage boys and jealous insecure girlfriends, but she didn't care and carried on walking. "He Alissa, you remember me?" Tyler came up to her. "Yeah.. Tyler right?" He nodded. "Wow, you look amazing." He complimented her. "You look hot." She smirked and Tyler chuckled and handed her a drink.

They were talking for a while, dancing, laughing. They were both drunk and before Alissa knew it she leaned forward and started making out with him. The next morning she woke up with an arm wrapped around her possessively, she had  to gather her things and sneak out.

Walking into the boarding house with messy sex hair and walked straight into her brother. She looked up and saw Damon smirking at her. "So... you had fun last night."
"Bite me." Was all she said and walked into her bedroom to shower. Although she did have a good time.

On the way to get some coffee she ran into Klaus. "Ahh how does it feel to lose, Salvatore." He said proudly although he was a little hurt.  "What are you talking about?"
"Yo don't know what went down yesterday?"
"No I was with Tyler all night."
Klaus was jealous, of-course he wouldn't  admit it but he was. 
"I think you need to have a chat with your idiotic brothers."
"Yes I think I do need to have a chat with my idiotic brothers. But first I need coffee, and blood." Alissa walked off and Klaus smiled before walking the opposite direction.

Alissa walked into the boarding house wandering what the two brothers she was unluckily raised with. "Stefan Damon! Get out here you idiotic cows!"
"What the hell is your problem." Damon asked.
"Ugh you're back" Stefan mocked.
"So .. what stupid plan did Damon make?"
"Oh come on it could of been Stefan's pl.." Damon started but seeing the look Alissa was giving him,"Yeah ok it was my plan."
"We tried to kill Klaus and we failed, his dad was killed instead." Stefan explained.
"Alissa you have a leaf on your hair." Damon took it out. Alissa slapped his hand away. "Ew keep your hands to yourself tramp."
"Shut up pig."
"Damon you cannot call me a pig. You are so ugly you scared the crap out of the toilet." Alissa laughed.
"Why are you insulting me so much today?" Damon mocked hurt.
"I'm not insulting you, I'm describing you." Alissa shrugged innocently.
"So Alissa How was that hot steamy night with Tyler Lockwolf." Damon blurted out and vamped out the room.
"You.. what .. huh?" Stefan looked mad. He was always more protective even though he was younger. "Hahah see ya." Alissa speeded off with him.

Right now Alissa was getting her nails done red. Her brothers can handle whatever mess they got themselves into. She walked out the shop after paying and bumped into one of Klaus's hybrids. "Watch it." She warned. "I don't think you know who your talking to." The hybrid girl said.
"You're one of Klaus's sired bitches. But I don't think you know who i am." Alissa smirked when she saw the hybrids anger build. "You think you're better than us all don't you, because your popular." The girl sounded jealous. "Well you're not." The girl lunged at Alissa only to have her heart ripped out her chest. "And I just got my nails done." Alissa complained before dropping the body in the woods and digging a grave for her.

I made my way to the mansion Klaus was renovating. I spotted him on the porch, "Hey, you need to tell your hybrids to back the hell down."
Noticing her attire he was unsure of what happened. "What happened?"
"One of your hybrids attacked me."
"You killed her, fantastic." He said noticing the blood on her hands and the mood on her jeans.
"It was an accident."
"An accident?"
"Yes. I was on my way home when this girl tried to attack me and that's when I tripped and accidentally ripped her heart out." Alissa said.
"Hmm. Alissa, from one friend to another, I think you should see a therapist." Klaus suggested smirking a little.
"Why would I need a therapist when I have Stefan. He's basically mute these days, you can tell him anything and he just won't talk back.. or maybe he just won't talk back to me." Alissa was now confused.
"I've got evil plans to create. But uh do take my advice, Salvatore." He winked and walked off.

Alissa actually took Satan's idea and got herself a therapist, it was a woman in about her 40s. They were in the study room, in the Salvatore home.
"So talk me through your problems. Is it anger? Sadness?"
"Anger. Defiantly anger. Like this morning I ripped someone's heart out through anger.. and self defence." The therapist, Susan, looked mortified so Alissa compelled her to not be afraid.
"Like do you ever get these urges to just kill everything?"Alissa asked like it was a normal thing.
"Umm.. no i cant say I've ever experienced that."  Therapist Susan shook her head.
"Thank you Susan, you know you helped me realise something."
"And what is that?" She asked.
"That.. I'm just perfect and it's everybody else around me that has problems." Alissa shrugged.
"Right so you're delusional." Susan mumbles as she jotted something down. The rest of the therapy lesson was just Alissa congratulating herself. Susan had left and Alissa had gone to bed, it was a long day.

A/N Pointless chapter. Do you like Susan? Are you happy Tyler and Alissa slept together? Tell me how you feel through votes and comments😆

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