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Finally Klaus' stubborn ass comes to the cemetery. They kept me locked in by a spell, one I'm not made to break.

"Salvatore? What're you doing here?"

"I'm preggerz." I say causally, sitting down leaning against the concrete wall.

"I'm sorry, what?" He asked, a confused look on his face. How cute.

"She's pregnant. It's yours." The Sophie witch finally tells him. A look of shock crosses his face, then anger.

To be honest if I was in his position I'd throw a right fit, kill a few people, then return home. I wouldn't be surprised if he did the same. Murder is the answer to everything, oh my goodness I really shouldn't be allowed to have children.

"No - that's impossible. Vampires can't procreate." He stutters in a state of shock. Who's mans is this?

"But werewolves can." Sophie says.

"I just want to go hom-" I'm cut off.

"You've been with someone else, haven't you?" He whispers, almost ... sadly? He looked really disappointed. I kind of want to give him a hug but I kind of want to punch him in the face, my relationship with Klaus in one sentence.

"No. I haven't." I say honestly, he stares in my eyes for a while. Searching for the truth and I think he believed me.

"We need your help. Marcel has these witches on leashes. We need you on our side to take him down, and if you don't." She takes a need, poking it in the palm of her hand, blood oozing out. "Ouch!" I say as a mark identical to hers appeared on my palm. We're linked. "I'll kill her and the baby." She threatens, an intimidating look in her eye.

"Well I sorta, cannot, kinda, most definitely can't be killed. But nice try." I smirk, Dalissa style.

"Your baby still can." She says, would I really care if this baby growing inside of me died? A part of me felt protective of it already.

"Do we have a deal?" She asks.

"I guess." Klaus sighed. Anything for Alissa, he thought.

(Time skip)

Alissa and Klaus are sitting on a bench. Elijah takes a seat beside his brother. "This town was my home once, and in my absence, Marcel has gotten everything that I ever wanted. Power, loyalty, family. I made him in my image, and he has bettered me. I want what he has. I want it back. I wanna be king."

"So is that all this child means to you? A grab for power?" Alissa asks.

"What does it mean to you two?" He replies, looking out, the view of the whole city looked breathtaking.

"I think this child, and Alissa, could offer you the one thing that you've never believed you had." Elijah speaks up, his eyes focused on the view of the city.

"And what's that?" Klaus asks.

"The unconditional love of a family." Elijah says, a small smile appearing on his face.

(Alissa PoV again)

Elijah and I are in a huge, white house. I pull a sheet off of a crib, coughing because of the dust. Damn I miss my vampire powers.

"Are you alright?" Elijahs sweet self asked.

"Yeah I'm good bro. This place must be as old as you." I bluntly say earning a light chuckle from Elijah.

"Elijah Mikaelson laughed? I'm shooketh." I joke making him smile,

"Your remind me of Kol, not a good thing. it should serve our purposes. It's a sanctuary from our business in the Quarter. Right now, you are the most important person in this family. You need a good home. So I'm curious... in all this time, has anyone asked you how you feel?" He really is a sweet soul.

"Not really. My mother was a dead beat, using my looks for better deals in my fathers business. My father really disliked Damon and I, stefan was his golden child. I just hope I'll be better than my parents." My parents suck.

"I will always protect you, you have my word on that." He lets me know.

"And noble Elijah always keeps his word." Of course Klaus's jealous ass had to come and ruin the bonding moment.

"I need to call Susan." I throw a peace sign before leaving the room.

"Who is Susan?"Elijah asks Klaus.

"Her therapist, she's sort of like a mother figure. Even if she doesn't know it yet." Klaus explains. Elijah nods his head.

"Hi susan."

"My god you haven't called in two days, I was worried child." I need to stop worrying her.

"I'm sorry, I got kidnapped." I explain, well that plans gone out the window.


"I'm fine now, they didn't hurt me. I'm in New Orleans, and I'm pregnant with Klaus." There's a pause, I think she fainted.

"Wow." I guess she didn't.

"I know, just come to New Orleans. Damon will take on a plane. Oh and do not bring baby Ali or Leroy, it's dangerous here. I can protect you but not a whole family."

A/N ok so do you guys want Hayley in the story or shall I give Elijah another lover???

I have some ideas that I'd like to try out but just tell me what you'd like!!!

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