Chapter 8

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After Louis and Mandy finished their 'talk' Louis closed the shop and also wash the dishes and utensils. After that, he tiredly walked up to the house and opened the door.

He lazily walked inside the house, looking for Harry.

Louis then went to the living room and he stopped, he looked at the sofa and his eyes widened. Is this what he think he is?! He saw Zayn and Harry, cuddled up on the sofa. Louis took his phone out and took a picture. After taking a photo, Louis awed.

He knew from the start that Zayn likes Harry and so does Harry.

Harry slowly fluttered his eyes open as he sense that someone's watching them.

And when he opened his eyes, he smiled seeing Zayn beside him. After they've talked about their feelings, they sat on the sofa and just talked about random things. Zayn was startled when Harry lied down beside him. Zayn didn't argue though, he liked the feeling. Zayn's eyes drifted to sleep because he'd been awake like 24hrs already. So when Harry saw Zayn, he smiled and ran his fingers through his hair.

Louis coughed as Harry stiffened. He look around and saw Louis smiling "Well, I think you're really are sleeping with him" Louis smirked as Harry shushed him "We're not. I've confessed my feelings for him" Harry said as Louis chuckled "Well well, its about time. Does he likes you too?" Louis asked as Harry slowly nodded "What?! Wow!" Louis yelled as Harry's eyes widened.

He shushed Louis as he look at Zayn, huh, he didn't flinched at all. Harry slowly removed his body and out of the sofa. Zayn settled comfortably on the sofa as Harry stared at him. He smiled "Zayn?" Harry whispered as Zayn didn't flinched.

Harry shake him a little and as usual, nothing. Huh, he's a heavy sleeper. Harry then leaned closer to Zayn "Zaynie wake up" Harry said while shaking him but still nothing. Harry look at Louis who shrugged his shoulders. Harry tried again but Zayn doesn't wake up.

Louis take hold of the back of the sofa and he shake it "Zayn! Wake up!" Louis shouted as Harry glared at him. Zayn instantly sat on the sofa, panicking "Whoa! What happened?! Harreh?" Zayn called out as Harry take hold of his shoulders, calming him "You're okay. I'm here" Harry said as he felt Zayn relaxed.

Harry and Zayn then heard a laugh coming from Louis "You should've seen your face mate!" Louis said in between laughs "That's enough Lou" Harry said with a warning tone as Louis shook his head and sat next to Zayn "Wow, you're a heavy sleeper huh?" Louis said as Zayn nodded "Yeah, ever since I was a child. They always have a hard time waking me up" Zayn responded "I guess its time to make dinner" Harry patted Zayn's knee as he stood and made his way to the kitchen.

Harry rummage to the fridge, looking for something to eat when two strong arms wrapped on his waist.

Harry flinched as he stood and look at Zayn on his side "Can I help you?" Harry smiled "Let me cook dinner" Zayn whispered as Zayn's voice sent shivers on Harry's spine.

Harry giggled as he shake his head "You've helped enough at the shop" Harry said as he take hold of Zayn's arms and untangled his self. He spun around and face Zayn "You're a celebrity, you shouldn't get all worked up" Harry said as he booped Zayn's nose. Zayn smiled widely "Please let me cook. I promise, it will be delicious" Zayn pleaded "Let him cook Harry, I'm starving" Louis said from the living room as Harry playfully rolled his eyes "Fine. But I'm watching" Harry said as Zayn wanted to kiss his lips but he didn't. He let go of Harry and began to cook.

Zayn knows his way around Harry's kitchen.

He knows where the pans, plates, mugs, glasswares and other kitchen tools are being placed. After rummaging through the fridge, Zayn made his way to the kitchen table where Harry is, watching him intently "Be careful" Harry teased Zayn as Zayn was about to cut the onions.

Just a little bit of your heart (ZARRY AU)Where stories live. Discover now