Chapter 17

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Zayn received a text message on where to meet Harry.

After showering and getting dressed, Zayn got out of his room.

He jumped seeing Liam on the sofa "Li! God, you scared me" Zayn said as Liam stood "Where are you going?" Liam asked with a serious face "Out" Zayn simply answered as Liam raised his brow "Where is this out?" He asked as Zayn started to walk towards the door.

Liam shielded the door and that startled Zayn "You wanna tell me something Zayn?" Liam asked as Zayn gulped "What— what do you mean?" Zayn stuttered as Liam folded his arms on his wide chest "Tell me about this Harry guy Zayn" Liam said as Zayn's heart wanted to burst out his chest.

Zayn stared at Liam's brown eyes as he bit his bottom lip "Tell me something Zayn. I'm not only your manager but I'm also your friend" Liam said as his expression softened.

Zayn was shock though, he didn't really see Liam as his friend "Zayn, we've been helping each other out almost for a year now and Once, you never open up to me" Liam started to approached Zayn "You can tell me everything okay? Everything and anything at all" Liam smiled as Zayn studied Liam's face. He's genuinely concerned. Zayn sighed "I'm gay Li" Zayn whispery said as Liam didn't reacted at all.

He knew it.

"And Harry's my boyfriend" Zayn added as Liam didn't gave out a shock reaction "You're going to him?" He asked as Zayn nodded "Thank you for telling me Zayn. About your sexuality. If you told me from the start, I wouldn't have set you up with Gigi" Liam said as he put his hand on Zayn's shoulder "Wait, you're not upset or anything?" Zayn asked as Liam smirked "Why would I be upset?" Zayn slowly shrugged "Maybe because your artist is gay?" Zayn said as Liam gave out a small laugh "So? I don't care about that. Being Gay doesn't change who you are, right?" Liam smiled as Zayn's heart jumped for joy!

"We'll figure something out about the media. But now, go to Harry" Liam smiled widely as Zayn gave him a hug and let go "Thank you Liam" Zayn said as he exited his apartment.

Zayn made sure that no paps will follow him.

He borrowed Niall's car as he went to Harry. Harry asked Zayn to meet him at the beach where they first confessed their feelings. Zayn's a little worried because something's not right. It's like something's bad is gonna happen. But he pushed those thoughts away as he hurried to go to Harry.

When he reached the beach, Zayn hurriedly got off the car and went to the seaside.

He looked for Harry.

He walked beside the waters as he saw Harry, looking up in the sky. Zayn stopped as he admired Harry for a while.

He's still so beautiful.

Zayn slowly approached him "Harreh?" Harry immediately look at Zayn and seeing him, his heart clenched, he gave out a sad smile "Zayn" Harry whispered as Zayn went to him and pulled him into a hug. Harry's entire being just collapsed on Zayn's hug. Zayn hugged him tight as Harry's eyes started to water.

Zayn gently pushed him away as he look at his face.

Zayn gently wiped Harry's tears away "I'm here Love, I'm here" Zayn said as he keeps on wiping Harry's tears. Harry took a deep breath "Zayn, I—I need to tell you something" Harry started as Zayn settled his hand on Harry's neck "Okay" Zayn said as Harry inhaled and exhaled "I can't do this" Harry whispered as Zayn's eyes widened.

He feels like his heart just stopped beating for a second "What—" Zayn's breathing labored "What are you saying?" Zayn asked as Harry's tears keeps on pouring. He take hold of Zayn's hand on his neck "Everything's messed up. Your life is getting messed up because of me" Harry said, crying "I can't let you ruin your career because of me" Harry added as Zayn's eyes started to clouded with Tears too "Harreh, you're not messing up anything—"

"The articles Zayn. Because of me, your reputation, everything you've worked for is ruined" Harry sobbed "I don't want that okay? I don't want it ruined because of your sexuality. Because you fell inlove with me" Zayn doesn't know what to say, Harry's been thinking all of this and Zayn's world just stopped spinning. It's like he's being killed by Harry's words "Harreh, I don't care about it right now okay? I don't care about all those people who judged me. All I care right now is you" Zayn said as Harry cried harder.

Harry shook his head "I love you Zayn, that's why I'm doing this. I don't want your career to end just because you fell inlove with a baker boy" Harry sniffed as Zayn pressed their foreheads together "Don't do this Hazza. I love you" Zayn pleaded as Harry cried even more "I love you too" Harry whispered as he look at Zayn's hazel eyes "And that's why I'm doing this" Harry said as Zayn's heart just cracked into a thousand and thousand of pieces.

Harry's breaking up with him.

This is happening. This is real.

Harry breathed "I love you" Harry said as he kissed Zayn's forehead, lingering his lips there. After that, Harry slowly stepped backwards as he look at Zayn, who's crying his heart out "Harreh—" Zayn called as Harry gave him one last look as he spun around and started to Run.

Zayn tried catching up but Harry run fast, leaving Zayn at the beach with his heart all shattered.


Harry's catching his breath as he went inside Louis' car.

Louis was all shock seeing Harry, his eyes filled with tears. Louis didn't say anything as he started the engine and drove away. When they've reached the Pizza Parlor, Harry didn't say a word as he got off the car, and directly went inside the room where Him and Gemma are sharing. Gemma stood as he saw Harry in tears. She immediately hugged him as Harry cried in her arms "Oh Harry" Gemma whispered, running her hand up and down on Harry's back. Harry wrapped his hand on Gemma's thin waist "I did what I could Gem" Harry sobbed "I did what I need to do" Harry said again as Gemma comforted him.

Harry cried all night til morning.

His mind says that he's doing the right thing but his heart says you're all wrong because he loves Zayn.

Harry hadn't slept at all.

When the sun peered his eyes, that's when Harry realized that its already morning and he saw Gemma got up from bed "Hey" Harry said as Gemma stilled and spun around seeing Harry "Harry? Did you sleep at all?" Gemma asked as Harry got up from bed and shook his head "I can't Gemma, I'm in pain" Harry said as he started to cry again.

Gemma hugged Harry as he cried again.

Harry didn't know how many hours he'd cried over Zayn. Louis came the next day and told Harry that his shop are still swarming with Paparazzi's. Louis gave Harry's clothes to him "Hey bud" Louis said as Harry looked at him tiredly "Dude, you should at least have some sleep" Louis said as Harry tiredly sighed as he grabbed the bag from Louis and look inside it "Thanks Lou" Harry mumbled as Louis sat beside him "You'll get over it Harry. It may hurt now but you'll get over it" Louis comforted Harry.

Harry sighed "I wish I could Louis" Harry softly replied as Louis stood and gave him a side hug "I promise, it gets better" Louis whispered as he let go.

// A/N: Oh god, my heart is in pain! Why Harry! Why?! I seriously feel Zayn's pain in this chapter. Got any tissue? Haha 😂

Thank you guys! Few chapters before Epilogue 🥰

— the CAT xx

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