Chapter 4 I'm Sorry

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Tony's Pov:

"Freedom!" I shouted walking out of the hospital and Stephen rolled his eyes.

"Come on, let's get you home." Stephen said and I grinned at him happy he was taking me home.

"I really missed you." I said and then realized I said that out loud because he stopped walking...Whoops. He looked at me and smiled making my chest feel kind of funny.

"I missed you to." Stephen said and we climbed into the car. I frowned when Stephen never started the car making me look at him worriedly.

"Something wrong?" I asked and he looked at me.

"No...sorry, was just thinking." He said.

"What were your thinking about?" I asked.

"Just...worried." Stephen said.

"About?" I asked.

"You...Your surgery." Stephen said.

"Hey, it'll be ok." I said and he sighed.

"I'm so scared you might die, or I permanently damage you..." He said.

"I'm glad it's you...If someone else was doing it then it wouldn't even happen." I said and Stephen frowned looking confused.

"Why?" He asked.

"I was operated on in a damn cave and had no pain killers...Also I had a car battery hooked up to my chest so...Surgery fucking terrifies the shit out of me." I said and I felt Stephen's hand grab mine and squeeze.

"I'll make it as quick and comfortable as I can." Stephen said and we stared into each others eyes. Stephen started the car as I stared out the window.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I blinked and looked at him confused. "Your an Omega." He said and I swallowed.

"Does that...change this?" I asked and he frowned as he hit a red light.

"No." He said looking me in the eye. "I'm just glad you are ok." He added and we started moving again. "Why are you afraid of needles?" Stephen asked changing the subject and I shuddered.

"I'd rather not talk about it...I'm apparently afraid of water on my head to." I sighed remembering the shower.

"Jesus Tony...What did they do to you?" Stephen asked and I know he wasn't really wanting an answer...

"A lot...A lot." I said swallowing down my tears. I was happy to be home...

"Welcome home, sir. We were worried about you." Jarvis said and I grinned.

"Should I be concerned your AI just said worried?" Stephen asked.

"Jay's not skynet." I said.

"I sure hope not...It'd be boring and lonely." Jarvis said making me chuckle. We walked toward the elevator.

" going to be ok here? I know you have Jarvis and the bots..." Stephen said.

"You could stay here sometimes and I can stay at your place sometimes..." I said and he nodded as we got into the elevator...Why is it moving slower than normal?

"What is wrong with me? I'm so afraid to leave you alone." Stephen said and I looked at him a bit surprised at the confession.

"It's ok to be worried about me." I said and he looked into my eyes and we were locked into that weird staring again my heart picking up speed...Oh! Oh fuck! I like Stephen!

"I just..." Stephen trailed off taking a step closer and not breaking eye contact...We've kissed before but why does this feel different? Why am I so nervous?

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