Chapter 32 Primal Side

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Stephen's Pov:

"It's actually his alpha...He's running fully on his primal side." Bruce said and Tony looked at me...Hi Tony...My sweet omega.

"But he's not acting like the other ones...He's not drooling all over himself." Tony said.

"Well Stephen's alpha never showed signs of being like the others...Christine said he was like that." Bruce said.

"She wouldn't lie about that." Tony said.

"Maybe he's just not had his buttons pushed yet." Bruce said.

"The only time he's ever got aggressive with me was after Rhodey left his scent on me." Tony said and they both looked at the other Alpha.

"Are you wanting to push his buttons?" The Alpha asked.

"My inner scientist does." Tony said.

"He could hurt you." Bruce said and Tony frowned.

"Fuck it...Give me a hug Buckaroo." Tony said opening his arms...What's omega doing?

"I will fight back if he attacks me." The alpha said walking toward my mate...I don't like this...I growled and they both froze.

"That's fine just don't go for his hands or junk." Tony said and the Alpha had my Tony in his arms...I snarled but...My Omega's strong...Can keep himself safe. The Alpha let go of him and Tony looked at me. Are you hurt? I rushed over and he tensed as I nuzzled him and ran my hands over him. Are you hurt at all?!

"He's checking if you're hurt." Bruce said.

"Like...he says he needs to after someones threatened me...I don't get it." Tony said and I snarled at the other Alpha because he stunk up my Tony. I pulled Tony close snarling and pressing myself close trying to scent him. "Ok...slightly scared." Tony said and I frowned...I whined...Won't hurt mate.

"So that didn't upset him." Bruce said.

"It did but not enough to push him." The Alpha said.

"I don't understand." Tony said and I nuzzled him...You'll get it my smart beautiful omega.

"Maybe because Bucky isn't like most alphas." Bruce said.

"If I act like that then I'd be ok not being like them." The Alpha said.

"Try pushing his buttons by making him do stuff." Bruce said.

"Uh..." Tony said and started shoving me. I smiled at how strong he was and let him shove me over to his area. "Ok...I can literally shove you...Um...What else do Alpha's hate?" Tony asked cocking his head to the side which was adorable.

"Being lower than Omegas and Betas." The Alpha said.

"Anything they think is demeaning." Bruce said.

"Taking care of Omegas." The Alpha said.

"Stephen...I don't really want to do any of that to him." Tony said.

"They think blowjobs are demeaning so it's not like finding something not bad will be hard." The Alpha said and Tony's cheeks were a slight red...cute...I nuzzled him.

"Alright...Ok..." Tony said and I frowned...What's wrong Omega? "Why is it so hard to make him do something?" Tony asked.

"Because you love him and don't want him to feel like you always have." The Alpha said.

"Alright...I can do this." Tony said taking a few deep breaths...What's wrong? "Stephen..." Tony said and I looked at him to see tears...I whined...What's wrong? "I can't." Tony sniffled and I pulled him into a hug trying to comfort Omega.

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