Chapter 11 Omega

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Tony's Pov:

"TONY!" I snorted and looked at Bruce covered in fire extinguisher stuff.

"Wow, Bruciebear is that a new look? Looks good." I said and he snorted.

"I will smack you." Bruce said.

"This is what I get for helping you." I said and Bruce shrugged before shoving some of the fire extinguisher goo on my head when Stephen walked in pausing to look at us.

"There you go now you don't look like a complete ass." Bruce said and I snorted looking at Stephen, I walked over to him and smiled.

"I'd hug you but I now have goop all over my head." I said and he smiled.

"Blame your bot." Bruce said.

"Bruce is getting so much better I'm so proud of my boy...He needs to get better with touch though." I said.

"Says the guy that shocked me on a helicarrier full of people I could possibly kill." Bruce said and Stephen snorted.

"Bite me." I said and Bruce frowned.

"Were both Omega's Tony it doesn't work like that." Bruce said and I laughed. Stephen smiled and touched my cheek making me look at him.

"Are you two hungry?" He asked.

"Yeah...We should probably take a break." I said.

"I need a break after Dumme thought I was on fire." Bruce said and I chuckled.

"Come on." Stephen said and we all got into the elevator.

"Have you two ever figured out what this is?" Bruce asked.

"Nope." I said.

"We should..." Stephen said.

"Probably." I said and he looked at me. After eating we went back down to the lab.

"You know...being an omega is fucking weird." I said and Bruce looked at me.

"What do you mean?" Bruce asked.

"We are women...We are literally women but with a penis." I said and Bruce snorted.

"I mean...Not really...we don't have periods." Bruce said.

"But we can get pregnant." I said.

"Yeah but males only can when in heat." Bruce said.

"Have you ever thought about it?" I asked.


"Having a kid." I said and saw the wistful look Bruce had.

"Yeah...but...Hulk. If I don't hulk out during sex whose to say me hulking out wouldn't kill the baby while I was pregnant." Bruce said.

"Hey, if you ever want a kid I'll send you someplace safe so you can relax and just you know look like you swallowed a watermelon whole." I said and Bruce laughed.

"What about you?" Bruce asked and I frowned.

"I've thought about it...My life just hasn't really been baby safe." I said and Bruce frowned.

"And mine has?" He asked.

"Touche." I said.

"When I got back...from Afghanistan I was pregnant...I lost it though." I said and Bruce froze.

"What!?" Bruce asked.

"It's alright...I mean I wasn't really willing." I said and Bruce growled.

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