Chapter 17.

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Davis went to a place where he'd ever thought he'd ever end up.

The person opened the door but was surprised to see him.
"Davis?" Alivia, his godmother said.

"Hey gmomma, how you doing?" He asked holding his bags.

She looked down, "I'm good, what happened?"

"My fiancé put me out. She found out that I slept around on her and it just went terrible. She didn't give me a chance to explain. I was wonder if—"

"Yes. I already know what you're about to ask. You can stay with us as long as you want. I'm pretty sure Braxton would love to see you here everyday."

"Where is my son?" He asked coming in setting his things down.

"Germany and her boyfriend took him out for ice cream. Don't be upset Davis , she knew what you were going through and she didn't want Braxton in harms way." She said. Davis was upset, but he knew Germany wouldn't take his son away from him.

"Want something to eat? I made roast , mashed potatoes , and carrots?" Alivia asked.

"No ma.  I'm not really hungry."

"Okay love. Just take your things to the guest room and make yourself at home. You know I wouldn't abandoned my godchild. How's Carol?"

"She's good. I'm taking her to get her surgery in a couple of days."

"Oh good. That's wonderful. I don't know what I'd do if Carol was gone. She's heaven sent."

"Yeah. Can I have a moment ma?"

"Sure. Ok. I'll be in my room if you need me." She smiles and walked off.

Davis tried to call Malia , but his number was blocked. His mother wouldn't put her on the phone , so he had no choice but to give his fiancé , hopefully, some space.

He was pissed at Hanna or Jasmine. Which ever one told he'll give them a piece of his mind at work.

A few hours later Germany and Braxton walked through the door.

"Daddy!!" Braxton yelled with joy.
Davis hugged him and put kisses all over him.

"Hi Davis." Germany said.

He looked at her and roamed her body. She still looked good. Pretty as always.

"Hey. I'm sorry. Did your mom tell you?" He asked.

"Yeah she told me. I thought Malia was your soulmate why would you do that to her?"

"Being dumb is all. I regret it so much Germany I really do." He sighed playing with his son.

"Well I'll leave you two to bond. Braxton really missed you. I kept him away for a while because I knew things were getting heated with your dad and with your mom being sick. How is she?"

"She's doing good. She's getting surgery, so she should be fine." He nodded.

"Okay. Well let me get something to eat. I'll be in my room if you need anything."
She looked at Davis and he looked better than he did before on her eyes. It's been so long since they had a conversation about something other than their son.

After spending time with Braxton he was sound asleep.

Davis hopped in the shower and came out just in a towel.
He tried to call Malia once more , but his number was still blocked.

He went to the guest room and dropped his towel. He didn't think nobody would come into the room until Germany popped in.

"Oh...shit! I'm so sorry." She said covering her eyes rarely.

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