Chapter 33

482 32 19

Song - Into you by KARD

Chapter 33 - My Weirdos

*Tzuyu's Pov*

Present Time -

I open my eyes slowly, the bright light almost blinded me, i blinked several times to adjust to the brightness.

Rubbing my eyes, catching something interesting beside me. As soon as Jungkook comes in my view, my heart beat rises.

As if a spell being casted on me, i turned towards his side and stared at him long enough to not forget his features this time. Hopefully.

I noticed the gap between us was less yet too much that we weren't even touching each other's skin. Still, he managed to make my heart jump out of my chest.

Indeed, he is has the best visuals. I stared at his closed eyes, wanting them to be opened and staring at me. The eyes i fell for.

I can't believe, i fell for him because of his eyes. Or maybe they were one of the top reasons why i fell for him. He has changed so much over these years. He has matured. He always was but he never showed.

He never showed his true identity. He always puts on a facade but not anymore. And i am glad, he is showing himself. Expressing himself.

As much as i loved those school days, whenever i think of Jungkook in them, it starts to hurt so badly. I always thought, he never liked me at all. It was painful.

He made so sure to show me how much, he never wanted me.

Some of his signs showed something else but. Something he wanted but made it seem like those signs were fake. When they weren't.

And the signs, he faked, i thought, they were real.

Stop staring at me. I hear him say in his morning voice. The first time, i heard his voice in the morning. It felt so warm. So low. So perfect like him.

How could i miss something like this?

You are way too handsome for that. I whispered, keeping my gaze on his face as his eyes opens and stares back at me.

The sunrays falling on his face made the dark black colour of his eyes appear hazel brown, a kind of shade that can't be described but just admired.

He blinked as his eyes adjusted to the light, showing his naturally long eyelashes in the process.

Once again, his beautiful eyes met my dull ones making my heart skip a beat. I can feel him searching deep into my soul for something called love.

And that's all i've got.

I love your eyes. They made me fall for you. I whispered, not lifting my gaze from him at all.

I can tell by the way you always stared in them. He whispers back leaning in towards me before my eyes went to his plump lips which he licked with his tongue, wetting them and making them more pink then they already were.

I leaned in more and pressed my chapped lips against his soft ones.
We kiss softly without any tension of the world but soon he pulls away and whispers,

I don't want to lose control.


I push the door and it opens, the bright sunlight quickly finding me and capturing me. I squint my eyes before walking ahead towards the edge of the roof.

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