Chapter 38

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Song - Friends by Btob

Chapter 38 - Group Hug

*Mina's Pov*

Present Time -

My hands were shivering when i pressed send. My legs were badly trembling causing me to quickly lean on the wall beside me.

Is this right?

Am i supposed to do this?

My surroundings were going blurry right in front of my eyes, tears capturing my eyes, the memories of that day circling my mind.

I regret everything.

If only i wasn't drunk. If only the next day, i decided to apologize. If we have the right to love and feel then why do we let ego and pride come in the way?

I used to think ego and pride were just meaningless words but the day i woke up and recalled the night of farewell, I realised, ego and pride comes as a negative point in friendship and love.

I can't go back in time and do everything right now. I have my present to correct it. Somewhere in these years, i realised it was my fault.

I got drunk, i fought with her, Sana fought with her and Jimin because of me.  It was my fault from the starting. And me not apologizing led the ending to be my fault as well.

And that honestly scared me.

I never thought, one day, i will wake up and realise i am the reason we separated. In simple words, to save myself from the guilt, i blamed her and Taehyung.

I convinced myself, it was her fault that we fought and Taehyung's fault, we separated with nothing but sorrow and rage.

It was easy to convince myself since none of them were around me but now that i am seeing them everyday, it's hard.

My insides twists and guilt turns me stiff and cold as if i am nothing but just a piece of ice, waiting for the sun to melt me.

It's about time now. Time for me to turn myself in and accept my faults. Leave the guilt and past behind.

Hoseok made my little ball of guilt burst. I realised, i too made fun of him, i too was never good with him. Tzuyu was there for him. Just like she was for me. Always.

Blinded by myself, i never tried to made anything right. In this big ocean, i only wanted to save myself from drowning. I left the others to drown.

I just wanted to protect myself.

Mina? I heard Jimin's voice from behind me causing me to blink continuosly before turning around and facing him.

My eyes searched behind him for the others who were slowly reaching me and Jimin.

Why did you called us here? Taehyung asks with no expression on his face, different from the others.

A memory of me pouring water on Taehyung popped up before me beating him and him chasing me and catching me, i ended up wet from head to toe.

Where have you gone, Tae?

I am sorry, guys. There was nothing but silence. The sound of our breathing, their eyes glancing at each other before staring at me, who stood frozen.

We understand. Since, it wasn't your fault but someone else's. Sana spoke up, only making my guilt rise higher.

No... If i wasn't drunk that day, nothing would have happened. It's.....m-my fault. A big weight was lifted off my shoulders. I felt better than before.

Doesn't matter cause even if you weren't drunk, i would have been and the end would have been the same. Taehyung says, his voice normal, his face containing no emotion.

Well, then, that's your fault, you bastard. Jimin yells at Tae who shrugs before Jimin hits Tae.

I thought we were here to hear her apologize, not to bash me. A small smile appears on everyone's face, hearing Taehyung use his cute voice which he used to use with us back in the days.

I am sorry. You don't know, how much i regret everything. Sorry, Tzu, Sana, Jimin, Tae. I am so sorry. At this point, i was happy. I was happy doing something, i should have done years ago.

Now, she cries. I hear Taehyung say as my tears falls to the ground and his chest hits me. His arms comes around my head and pats me as i continued to cry.

We understand. Jimin whispers before i feel one more pair of arms around me.

Don't think of this as a group hug though, yeah, it's okay, Mina. Sana declares before joining us.

Will this group hug be complete without me? I hear Tzuyu asks in her normal cheery voice.

I don't think so. I speak, my voice too unfamiliar to me before i feel one of Jimin's hand leaving me and extending it towards Tzuyu, calling her to join us then i see her running towards us and hugging us.

Sana, are you even hugging Mina? Your hands aren't even touching me. Jimin mocks Sana.

She is taking advantage of me through this hug, guys. Taehyung says in a scared voice causing us to laugh.

That's because, i am standing in between you and Tzuyu, you pervert. She hits Taehyung who doesn't groans in pain instead Tzuyu does.

The sound of our laughing reaches my ears before i look up from the ground and stare at each of them. Taehyung and Jimin standing beside me with our arms connected, next to Taehyung is Sana and next to Jimin is Tzuyu that means Tzuyu is right in front of me.

Yah, Sana, i think you hit the wrong person. Tzuyu groans before Sana apologizes.

Sorry, Tzu. You are okay, right. Tzu, i am so sorry. I thought you were Taeh---- 

I smell revenge, guys. Jimin cuts Sana and speaks up.

It was intentional, right? Taehyung asks Jimin who nods.

Yahh! Sana yells at both of them who quickly scurries away from the hug and starts to run away from Sana, who chases them.

Thanks for the group hug, guys!! I yell at them before i feel an arm around my shoulders.

First of all, it wasn't a group hug, Mina! Sana yells, continuing to chase the boys.

It wasn't a group hug because some of us are yet to patch up. I look up at Tzuyu and smile before laying my head on her shoulders.

And second, these crackheads are dead. Sana yells at me and Tzuyu just before catching Jimin and Taehyung, making me and Tzuyu burst into laughter.

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Hey guys!
Happy New Year!!
I know, it's been ten days since new year but still😂😂
Here's a light chapter for you all as a present.
Love ya❤❤

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