Rudely Awakened

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Gosh, not even the dead can rest.

I had woken up after the Tardis rumbled and I fell out of the tree. I still had the watch in my hand, "Not yet, not ready. Need more time." It whispered at me, so I shoved it into my pocket.

I looked around the Galifrey Gallery and saw that it was dying, it was time. The Tardis was dying.

I ran to the control room and saw River Song staring at a cement wall that used to be where the exit was, "I'm sorry, Doctor."

Then she was over by the control panel and sparks flew as she connected more things. She then ran to the door, flung it open, and saw the cement wall, "I'm sorry, Doctor."

Then again. 

Then again. She must be in a time loop. But then, why wasn't I? Maybe cause I'm supposed to be dead! But no, the end of the world has to happen before I can rest peacefully.

As my inner monologue continues, I realize that River has gone quiet. She was no longer here. I rushed over to the Tardis and listened to her screams. She was burning, she was holding it in so that I wouldn't feel her pain. My poor sweetheart.

I flip a switch and the engine quiets down, now she isn't in as much pain. I look at the monitor and notice that we are at 26 June, 2010. Amy's time. So I was older than her? Strange.

I turn a switch on the monitor and see that we are high above Earth, burning like the sun. "How do I get down there?" 

I flip more switches and turn some knobs. I am a natural Tardis fixer. She isn't screaming as loud as I increase her shields. I pat her console gently, "Hey sweetheart. Can you help me, help you? I need to get down to the Earth. I need to help them." 

She groans and the same cabinet that I found the sonic and psychic paper is opened, I saw a vortex manipulator, River had one of those. I kiss her and grab it, "I will help you. I swear."

I then punch in numbers that I seem to know, must be the watch, and teleport down to the Earth. I am right by some stairs and see an old officers jacket. I then hear sobbing. I decided to follow it and see Amy, Rory and River. The Doctor is sitting in a black box.

"Doctor!" Amy and I call out. My voice was soft from lack of use so no one heard me.

Rory looked confused, "Why did he tell us he was dead?"

He better not be dead, I have so much I need to tell him.

"We were a diversion. As long as the Dalek was chasing us, he could work down here." What Dalek? You mean even at the end of time they are still alive. Gosh, the Doctor and I sacrificed everything for nothing.

River walked over to the Doctor, "Doctor, can you hear me? What were you doing?" 

The light from the Tardis is getting brighter. I quickly teleport back up there and see that the shields have failed, she was dying and I could do nothing, "I'm so, so sorry." I kiss her one last time and head back to Earth. I felt a tear on my face, I had broken my promise... and I hated myself for it.

"Reality's collapsing. It's speeding up. Look at this room." Amy did just as River said.

"Where'd everything go?"

"History's being erased. Time's running out. Doctor, what were you doing? Tell us. Doctor!" She shook the Doctor and I wanted to hit her. But then again, it was probably the only thing keeping him alive.

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