Day Of The Moon III

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The plan was in action, The video file arrives on River's tricorder. The one of the Human races new orders.

Amy was still calling for help when he spacesuit glove twitches.

"This suit, it seems to be repairing itself. How's it doing that? Doctor, a unit like this, would it ever be able to move without an occupant?" River and the Doctor talk as i comfort Rory.

"I'm really sorry that I couldn't help her." I hug him, "I try to make up for my past sins, and I only make more mistakes."

"It's not your fual-" Rory was cut off as Amy spoke up again.

"I love you. I know you think it's him. I know you think it ought to be him, but it's not. It's you." I know who she is talking about, but doubt fills Rory's mind, "And when I see you again, I'm going to tell you properly, just to see your stupid face. My life was so boring before you just dropped out of the sky." I can understand why he was confused now, but she truly loves him, "So just get your stupid face where I can see it, okay? Okay?"

"She'll be safe for now. No point in a dead hostage." I slap his head and he hisses in pain.

"Can't you save her?" We will, I swear it.

"I can track that signal back. Take us right to her." This gives Rory a quick whiplash.

"Then why haven't you?"

"Because then what? I find her and then what do I do? This isn't an alien invasion. They live here. This is their empire. This is kicking the Romans out of Rome." The Doctor elaborated.

Rory was confused, "Rome fell."

I stand up and give the boys room to talk. I walk over to River, "Any news."

She tenses, "Come on, I won't bite." She glares so I try to fix it, "Unless you're into that sort of thing, then I won't judge."

She laughs slightly, "Sorry, Just the fact that you just burst out of your watch. I want you to make sure you have the Drums of war under control."

I nodded, "They aren't as loud for me in this universe. Must be from the distance." I take the scanner from her hands, which forces her to look at me, "I will do whatever I can to make sure that by the end of the day that you are safe. That everyone gets home."

She grabs the device from my hands, "Don't make a promise you can't keep."

The Doctor came back with the light and the t.v after it was announced that they would be on the moon soon. "Right then, Time to go get Amy."

We all head to the Tardis, when we get in the Doctor is linking the Tardis, "Now, this should work. It'll be bumpy so hold on tight." 


It was very bumpy, but we made it.

"Oh, interesting. Very Aickman Road. I've seen one of these before. Abandoned. I wonder how that happened? Oh, well I suppose I'm about to find out." He turned to us, "Rory, River, keep one Silent in eyeshot at all times." He then walked over to the controls with the t.v, "Oh, hello. Sorry, you were in the middle of something. I just had to say, though, have you seen what's on the telly? Oh, hello, Amy. Are you all right? Want to watch some television? Ah. Now, stay where you are. Because look at me, I'm confident." Yes he was, "You want to watch that, me, when I'm confident. Oh, and this is my friend River. Nice hair, clever, has her own gun, and unlike me, she really doesn't mind shooting people. And then there is Iris, who has her own vendetta against you," He winked at me, "I really shouldn't find violent woman attractive."

"Don't worry Dear, It looks great to me too." I wink playfully at River.

"I know you're team players and everything, but she'll definitely kill at least the first three of you-" 

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