Curse of The Black Spot II

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*Iris' POV*

I leave the established safety of the Tardis, preferring the mystery outside her doors. I looked around to see a very sterile environment, Why would a 'She demon' want a clean place? Unless she was hiding the evidence of murder. Or it wasn't a she demon at all. I would get to ask her soon as she had transported in the room.

"All right, here we are then." I saw many people in the room, most had to be fellow pirates, but all had black spot on their hand. One had appeared on my hand too, "What's the dot for? Not to mark your victims, but why?it's a mark to determine, who needs you?"

She just tilted her head at me.

"Alright. I'll take that as a yes. So, you are helping people, injured and sick, but why?" I wondered around. The crew was dead, but this ship was meant for the long haul, "Of course, stupid me. You're practically a live in nurse, stuck in between two planes with no one to help but some raggedy pirates. But why all the little stuff?"

I continued to look over the crew, see if there was any hints. "Boogies? So, some type of illness wipes out the crew, the crew had been contaminated. You tried your best to help but it was something human therefore deadly to their race likely." I turned to her, she had been right behind me with her hand reaching out, "That still doesn't explain why every little cut or bruise would call for you, unless that was something that you were unfamiliar with. In which case you are probably just gonna help in anyway you can."

She was much closer to me now, I looked to the dot, "And a burn on my hand is enough to make a pilot sensitive to steering, if it were bad enough. So you are gonna help heal me. Which means the Doctor should really stop with his guessing and be his clumsy self already." She lightly touched my cheek and I feel asleep.

*Doctor's POV*

We had all regrouped in the magazine, my third theory already out the window. We had determined that the siren was not actually using the water as a portal but the reflection. Iris would've figured that out long ago if she were actually here.

We had gotten rid of everything holding a reflection, all the glass, gold, and silver was gone. The water was still though. "The calm won't last forever. When the wind picks up we'll all set sail."

Still don't know how I'll get Iris back though, or my Tardis. Hopefully the Tardis will keep them both safe.

"Until it does, you have to hide down here."


Avery came up from the magazine, so I decided to strike up a conversation. "It's not one star, it's two. The Dog star, Sirius. Binary system."

"I use it to navigate the ocean." 

"I've traveled far, like you." But not, "Space can be very lonely, and the greatest adventure is having someone share it with you."

Avery caught my drift, "If we get out of this I'll take him back to England. He can't stay with me. I'm not the father he needs."

You're the father he has though, "Who are you, Henry Avery? Respected naval officer, wife and child at home. How did you end up here, wandering the oceans with a band of rogues?"

"I've set my course now. Nothing I can do to alter it." That's not true, if it were then what's the point of being human?

"People stared at it for centuries and never knew. Things can suddenly change, when you're least expecting." Good job Doctor, connecting two random thoughts that aren't so random at all.

I left Avery to his thoughts.


"Doctor?" Hush now Amy, brain thinking. I'll help you with your issue in a moment.

Amy seems to understand, "What can you see?"

"Feels like something's out there, staring straight at me." A clash of thunder is always a good sign of trouble. 

"Man the sails!" I head up to the deck to see the rain lashing down.

"To the rigging, you dogs! Let go the sails. Avast ye! Put the bunt into the slack of the clews."

Amy and Rory pull on the sheets as I head to the wheel.

Toby runs back over to Avery, with the coat, and the crown falls out and rolls along the deck. The Siren comes out of the crown and flies up into the rigging, then descends again to the deck. 

"Don't let her take you!" Avery shouts as Toby reaches out to the Siren

"No!" Toby is gone in a puff of smoke.

"No!" Avery watches as the crown sinks to the ocean floor by my hand. The siren disappears and Avery is a blubbering mess. As he should be.

"You couldn't give up the gold, could you. That's why you turned pirate." The rain and my spit mixed as I tried not to curse him out, "Your commission, your wife, your son. Just how much is that treasure worth to you, man?"

Rory is knocked overboard and Amy hollers for him, "Rory! Rory! I can't see him. Doctor? I'm going in."

"He's drowning. He's drowning! You go in after him, you'll drown too. There's only one thing that can save him now." 

"What are you talking about?" You know what I am talking about. 

"The Siren. The Siren, she wants him. We have to release her."

When I opened the still water, the Siren zooms out.

"He's drowning. Go and find him!" She seemed to understand. She dived after him and Amy looks at me with betrayal. 

"What, what did you do?"

"If he stays in there he'll die." My explanation still doesn't shake the betrayal lingering within her.

"But she'll destroy him."

"That thing isn't just a ravenous hunter. It's intelligent. We can reason with it. And maybe, just maybe, they're still alive somewhere." Maybe Iris is there too, "We have to follow."

"Are you mad?" In many senses of the word, yes.

"If we ever want to see them again, we have to let the Siren take us." I grab a nail from the chest nearby, " We'll prick our fingers. All agreed? Yeah?"



I draw blood from all of us, just enough for the black spot to appear. When the Siren appears, we all all teleported away.

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