God Complex IV

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*Missy's POV*

"Tick tock, goes the clock, And Now what shall we play? Tick tock, goes the clock, Now Summers gone away.
Tick tock, goes the clock, And then what shall we see? Tick tock, until the day, 'Till thou shalt marry me.
Tick tock, goes the clock, And all the years they fly, Tick tock, and all too soon, You and I must die." I laugh, "Hear that Minotaur! I'm coming to find you, coming to find you!"

I see a CCTV Camera and wave, "Sorry Love, Really should've check up sooner." I then Sonic the camera so he couldn't see or hear me.

"Come here, Beastie! Leave poor Rita alone! Why have a human, when you can have a madman?" I hear the hooves pounding and stomping.

He stopped and roared at me, "Yes, yes. I understand. This is instinct, something you can't control. You want it to end."

I looked up in pity, "So do I. I would love for my guilt to end, I would love to take the easy way out. But, I have to live. I will have to move on with the added guilt of being the end of another species... How does that make you feel?"

"Guilty? Horrible? No, You feel relieved. You know I'll go through with it, you know I will still kill you due to the one simple fact that I have people relying on me. That I would rather be guilty of murder then let another creature live with that feeling in the pit of their stomach."

I hugged the Minotaur, "I don't believe in myself as much as I should. I don't believe in fairy-tales... I have seen too much to know they are true. The Doctor is simply a child, the man who forgets. I have to be the loving wife, and make it easier for him, I have to make it easier for everyone."

I release him, "I will never have my Doctor back. And that is what I have been holding onto for so long."

"That was where I had placed my faith." He started to crumble, he dropped to his knees as a food source cut ties with him. He would've had a feast on me at one point.

Now, I was the source of his starvation.

The illusion shattered. Rita, Gibbis, Amy, Rory and the Doctor were all here, and all okay.

"What is it, a Minotaur or an alien? Or an alien Minotaur? That's not a question I thought I'd be asking this morning." As it was dying, Rita and Amy were pulled from the trance.

"It's both, actually. Yeah. Here we go." He reads a holographic database. "Distant cousin of the Nimon. They descend on planets and set themselves up as gods to be worshiped. Which is fine, until the inhabitants get all secular and advanced enough to build bonkers prisons."

"Correction. Prisons in space." Rory and Gibbis are looking down through a porthole.

"Where are the guards?"

I shook my head, "No guards. Fully automated, the creature gets hungry, people of faith get zapped up here to feed it." 

"You must believe in some god or someone, or they'd have shown you the exit too. So what do Time Lords pray to?"

Other Time Lords. Our friends, we have hope for our friends.

The Doctor ignored her question, "According to the in-flight recorder, the program developed glitches. It got stuck on the same setting, the fears from the people before us weren't tidied away."

The Minotaur growls. I comfort it and shush it.

"What's it saying?"

"An ancient creature, drenched in the blood of the innocent, drifting in space through an endless, shifting maze. For such a creature, death would be a gift." I would love to accept it. But, it is your turn my friend.

"Then accept it, and sleep well." 

I shook my head and tutted, "He isn't talking about himself."

The Minotaur dies.


The Tardis materializes on a leafy suburban street, with a row of terraced houses opposite a small park. One of them has a well preserved E-type Jaguar parked outside.

"Don't tell me. This isn't Earth, that isn't a real house. And inside lives a goblin, who feeds on indecision." Amy tries to joke.

"No. Real Earth, real house, real door keys." Good bye.

Amy looks hurt, "You're not serious?"

"The car too?" I nodded, "But, that's my favorite car. How did you know that was my favorite car?" Rory was ecstatic.

We have great memories, "You showed us a picture of it once and said 'this is my favorite car.'"

"Rory, can you give us two minutes? Two minutes?"

Rory immediately turned to the Doctor, "She'll say that we can't accept it because it's too extravagant and we'll always feel a crippling sense of obligation. It's a risk I'm willing to take."

"Hey." The Doctor leans against the long red bonnet with Amy. "So... You're leaving, aren't you?"

"You haven't seen the last of me. Bad Penny is my middle name. Seriously, the looks I get when I fill in a form, it's-"

"Why now?"

"Because you're still breathing." And that isn't how it normally ends.

I leave them be, let them talk in private. I wait in the Tardis only for a moment before the Doctor comes back in.

"What now?"

He shrugs, "The world is full of potential, and we have ages to explore it together." He kissed me lightly.

No, We don't.

It's short, sorry, but... It needs to be.

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