Closing Time II

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Why does the Doctor get to play with toys while I help women figure out bra sizes? Ah, yes, that's right. He won rock, paper, scissors. 

Kelly sits on her arse, moping about, "Normally Shona helps train the newbies. Sorry, I'm so rubbish at it."

I count out the cash and smile at the woman in front of me, "Have a fantastic day!"

I then turn to Kelly, "It's alright. I'm sorry about your friend."

I hear a clash and decided to check on the Doctor, telling Kelly I would be on break. I run to the next hallway and see a silver rat.

That's not in the inventory.

I decide to follow it, the Cybermat, and I quickly sonic it. I look at the sonic to see what data it could be after when I trip over Yappy.

 "Craig, mind Yappy." The Doctor picked up the Yappy that had just tripped me. Thanks for warning Craig.

"Iris, What?"

"Yappy. The robot dog. Not so much fun as I remember. You look awful." 

Craig helps me up, "I haven't slept, have I? I still can't stop him crying. I even tried singing to him last night."

"Yeah, he did mention that he thought you were crying, too. He didn't get a wink. Yappy, say goodbye to Craig and Stormageddon. Goodbye, Craig. Goodbye, Stormageddon." As the Doctor puts down the little robot dog, something whizzes past the end of the aisle. The Cybermat!

The Doctor rushes after it, "What was that?"

"It was a-"

"You're here for a reason, aren't you? You noticed something, and you're investigating it." Yes, and I was about to tell him about it, back to the interrupting things again. "And because it's you, it's going to be dangerous and alien." 

I switch my sonic to the tracker since I had already gotten a clear scan of the Cybermat. Since I knew the data it was collecting, it was rather easy to track it. I end up in the changing rooms, where a Cyberman is waiting for me.

*Doctor's POV*

"These funny old power fluctuations which just happen to coincide with the disappearances." Where did Iris go? She was supposed to be helping me get rid of Craig and Stormy.

"That's just the council putting in new cables, isn't it?"

Such a simple human excuse. "Oh yes, that's it. Mystery solved. Wasting my time. Now, you can go home and I can go to Exedor. Goodbye."

I fix the lift with my sonic and urge Craig onto it, "And here's the lift."

"It says it's out of order." He's so good at noticing things.

"Not any more." I rip off the tape, "See? Here to help."

"It says danger."

"Oh, rubbish. Lifts aren't dangerous." There are plenty of other things that are.

"Do I look like I'm stupid? "

Alfie makes a comment in Baby which was quite rude and funny, "Quiet, Stormy."

The look on Craig's face tells me he isn't gonna let it go, "Oh, all right. There's more." I get in the lift with them, "Just between you, me and Stormy, don't want to frighten me punters. Someone's been using a teleport relay right here in this shop. Missing people last seen in this area." He was about to ask something, "Before you ask, CCTV's been wiped."

"A teleport? A teleport? A teleport like, a beam me up teleport, like you see in Star Trek?"

"Exactly. Someone's been using a beam me up Star Trek teleport. Could be disguised as anything." I just have to find it, Iris probably already did. God, I'm slow.

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