where it starts

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Dana's POV

I had just said my goodbyes to my mother and father before I boarded the plane and sat down in the seat before the plane took off as I waited patiently before I made my way to America in a state called Tennessee in a town named Nashville so I could go to college and get a good job afterward. I had just stepped out of the building and felt the wind on my face while I looked around before bumping into another female who was walking with a guy

Melanie: watch where you're going next time, will ya?

Dana: I am so sorry miss.

Melanie: you're not from here are you?

Dana: no this is my first trip to America.

Melanie: welcome to Tennessee

Dana: thank you, could you tell me how to get to this college?

Melanie: I am actually heading that way now if you want to follow me

Dana: thank you so much.

Melanie: I'm Melanie by the way, what's your name?

Dana: my name is Dana.

After she showed me the college, I quickly learned that me and her would be roommates while we studied at this place which we instantly become best friends...


I know this chapter is short and I promise the next one will be longer.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and safe travels there and back.

Please let me know what you think so far and vote please, Until next time. Enjoy the story! ❤

Teenage Dream Where stories live. Discover now