good news

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Dana's POV

we finally got married and partied with a few of our friends before we left for our honeymoon which ended before I knew it, after we returned home I got unexpected visit by someone who I never wanted to see again, I was standing in the backyard with Dustin and Brantley when he walked over to me and demanded we talk in private, I hesitated at first but was reminded of what happened.

Dana: you need to leave Chase, I have nothing to say to you

Chase: why you little tramp, you got a lot of nerve talking to me that way!

Brantley: is there a problem here Dana?

Dana: no there isn't a problem, he was just leaving

Chase: have it your way Dana, just know that I never had feelings for you.

Dana: likewise Chase, goodbye!

I watched as he drove away than got a weird look from Brantley.

Brantley: what was that about?

Dana: ex lovers are weird...

Brantley: that I can agree with you on so lets not that ruin a good time, come on your husband has a surprise for you.

I sat down on Dustin's lap while Melanie brought Dustin's surprise from inside the house over to where we was sitting at which was a puppy and I had a surprise for him too which was inside a necklace box, I got pregnant during our honeymoon a month ago and haven't told him yet.

Dana: thank you baby, the puppy is so cute! I have a surprise for you too.

Dustin: well I hope it isn't another puppy.

Dana: no I promise it's not a puppy.

I handed him the box and watched as he opened than seen the happiness in his eyes as he looked up at me.

Dustin: are you serious?

Dana: yeah, I found out last week when I went to the doctor for a check up.

Dustin: I'm beyond happy right now.

Melanie: what is it?

Dana: well since you asked Mel, me and Dustin...

Brantley: tell us already.

Dustin: we're going to be parents!

Brantley: congrats man!

Melanie: congratulations you two!

Melanie: congratulations you two!

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