from the heart

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Chase's POV

I was sitting outside of Dana's house while I waited for her husband and the guy from the other day to leave so I could talk to her in private, I needed her to know my cheating on her had nothing to do with her, I found out that I had a child with someone I was with after I proposed to her and I needed to be there for them...after two hours passed I finally seen them leaving, I knew I had to do this quickly cause they wouldn't leave her alone for long so I got out of my car and walked up to the door and rung the doorbell and immediately head a dog barking before she opened the door.

Dana: what do you want?

Chase: I really need to talk to you.

Dana: I'm busy, so go away Chase.

She was about to shut the door but I placed my foot in the way before she could.

Chase: its important Dana

Dana: five minutes and I'm not letting you inside.

Chase: fair enough so I just wanted you to know my cheating on you had nothing to do with you, my ex and I got back together because of a secret she decided to keep until you and I hooked up.

Dana: right and you refused to tell me until now because?

Chase: because I didn't want your husband thinking anything bad about you, but I do have a child that I didn't know about until we got engaged.

Dana: that really does change things but what it is worth I'm happy for you but you should go, Dustin should be back soon and like you said I don't want him thinking anything bad because I'm happily married to him.

Chase: I'm glad he makes you happy, goodbye Dana.

Dana: goodbye Chase.

I watched as she shut the door, I was about to walk away when I seen her husband and his friend walk over towards me.

Dustin: can I help you?

Chase: no I was actually leaving, have a good day.

Brantley: you're that guy from the other day, what do you want?

Dustin: what are you talking about Brantley?

Brantley: he come up here demanding to talk to Dana in private but left after she refused.

Chase: I was mad that day and I'm sorry, I just come to apologize to her for everything.

Dustin: I hope you haven't upset my wife.

Chase: it wasn't my intentions if I have, I'm sorry if I did...

Brantley: your call Dustin

Dustin: it's okay Brantley, he sounds like an honest person, I think he means well. Forgive me for asking but how do you know Dana and what is your name?

Chase: my name is Chase and I'm an old friend of Dana's, I was just seeing how she was doing.

Dustin: okay Chase, have a good day.

I shook his hand before I got back into my car and drove back to my family.

Teenage Dream Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ