come with me

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Dustin's POV

After Dana left the radio station for the day, we went to see a movie then went to a spot that overlooked a part of the city while we talked for a while.

Dustin: so what do you think of the view?

Dana: it is beautiful, I love it!

Dustin: I couldn't agree more and speaking of views, me and my band will be leaving in the morning for another tour and I was wondering if you would come with me.

Dana: I don't know, is that you asking me?

Dustin: will you please come with me?

Dana: well alright since you said 'please' I guess I could but I need to pack and being here isn't helping me no matter how much I love this view.

Dustin: okay well let's get out of here and get you ready to go before we leave later.

Dana: how late are we talking?

Dustin: four in the morning but don't worry you can sleep on the way there.

Dana: okay, it should be fun.

Dustin: I should warn you though the guys love joking around.

Dana: how bad can they be?

Dustin: they can get a bit crazy with the jokes so be cautious, this will be the first time a female has tagged along with us.

Dana: I feel honored and worried.

Dustin: you'll be fine if you stick around when I'm on the bus.

She didn't say another word as she carefully placed some of her clothes in the travel bag in front of her before zipping it up and placing it by the front door so she wouldn't forget it.

Dana: when do you plan on leaving? 

Dustin: right now actually because I have to meet the guys at the airport which is 3 hours from here.

I grabbed her bags while she grabbed the key to her apartment and locked the door as we headed outside before walking to my truck and getting in it.

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