how goodbyes feel

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No ones POV

I watched closely as my future plans fell apart right in front after the news of the baby sadly had been miscarried and the love I once felt slowly slipped away and the best thing I could do was go my own way as a single person even though I would miss the love we shared together, I wished they would find happiness in the future.

I kept replaying in my head the last thing they said to me before I left them standing alone on that old beach pier.

"No matter where life takes us, I will always be your friend."

I felt a single tear run down my face as I felt my heart breaking, I had nothing to hold onto anymore and it sadden me to end our relationship so so soon especially after how far things got and being close to marriage with them, I found out that they had returned back to Nashville and I remembered thinking of that night we first met at that party, I fell in love the first time I laid eyes on them and if I could go back to that night I don't think things would be like they are now. I looked at my hand and seen the engagement rings that I had on a chain as I tried to get my mind off of what just happened two hours ago, my mind raced at all sorts of things but I was brought out of my thoughts by my friend talking to me, reminding me that I had things I needed to do before this day ended and I hoped that tomorrow would be better...

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