working this out

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Dana's POV

It's been a month since that night Dustin kissed me, I had come to the realization that he no longer wanted to speak to me and I was okay with that. I had just my new apartment and made my way to the radio station...I slowly walked into the sound booth and sat down while I listened to Ray talk to anyone who was listening, luckily nobody called so I decided to take a lunch break but before I left I was stopped by Ray who was holding a bandana in his hand.

Ray: put this on you eyes, I have a surprise for you.

I tied it around my eyes and felt him leading me someplace other than where I wanted to go, I stopped when he let go of my arm and I heard a door opening and shut than I felt someone removing the bandana from my face and I seen Dustin standing in front of me.

Dana: what are you doing here? I thought you would still be on the road.

Dustin: well I was but the tour was canceled due to bad weather and I thought I would surprise someone that I know before it was to late...

Dana: look Dustin I'm sorry for--

He placed his hand on my mouth before I could finish what I needed to say to him.

Dustin: you don't have to apologize, I crossed a line that I shouldn't have.

Dana: yeah well I shouldn't have yelled at you and for that I'm sorry, I really like you Dustin and I don't wanna lose what we have are a great friend I just didn't expect to find a relationship with anyone that quick and I don't blame you if you never want to speak to me again.

Dustin: that's where you're wrong Dana, I never want to quit seeing you but I will support whatever decision you make, I just needed to work things out between us before it was to late.

Dana: can we go somewhere and try again?

Dustin: sure.

I grabbed his hand and we slipped out the door as we slowly walked to his truck and went somewhere we could be alone and eat lunch before I went back to work which he stayed the entire time and helped me out.

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