seein' red

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Dustin's POV

I was sitting around Dana's apartment while she got dressed for our date, I had made reservations to a fancy restaurant and I wanted us to look our best, I was wearing a suit and she planned on wearing a dress. A few minutes passed and I finally seen her walk out of her room wearing a red dress which made my jaw drop.

Dana: should we get going or...what's wrong, is my makeup messed up?

Dustin: no, you look beautiful that's all.

Dana: thank you Dustin, you look handsome yourself not that you wasn't before.

Dustin: are you ready to go?

Dana: yes, I'm starving.

Dustin: good because I have a surprise for you after dinner.

I felt her grab my hand while we headed out to my vehicle after she locked the door of her apartment, after dinner was over I drove back to my place so I could give her the surprise I was talking about...I didn't know if she missed home or not so I had her parents brought here so they could see her. Her father and myself talked about me dating her and I got his blessing if we took our relationship to another step which I had planned on doing in front of her parent's, I had already picked out the ring and hoped she would say yes.

Dana: did you plan this?

Dustin: yeah, Dana we have been dating for a year now and I don't see me being with anyone I have one question to ask you

I got on one knee and slowly pulled out the box from my pocket and opened it up revealing the engagement ring that I had customer made for this one moment that I would remember forever.

Dana: is that what I think it is?

Dustin: Dana will you marry me?

Dana: I don't know what to say...this is definitely unexpected.

Dustin: I told you I wanted to surprise you.

Dana: I'm definitely surprised

Dustin: so what do you say Dana?

Dana: yes, I will marry you Dustin. I love you so much.

Dustin: I love you too Dana and I'm happy you said yes.

I slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her gently on her lips while she wrapped her arms around my neck.

I slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her gently on her lips while she wrapped her arms around my neck

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