a mother's advice

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Dana's POV

I was back at home after the fun two weeks I spent Dustin on the road but fun eventually comes to an end. I was sitting on my couch watching entertainment news when I seen a picture of us pop up on the television which made me spit my coffee out of my mouth, I was shocked at what I was hearing because the last thing I needed was his fans thinking I was Dustin's girlfriend along with everyone else thinking the same.

I heard my phone ringing and I seen it was Dustin, my only guess is that he just heard the same thing but I didn't answer the phone call because I was afraid of what was happening between us so I decided to fly back to Australia for a week and get advice from my mother.

After I got there, I was greeted by my father at the airport. The ride back to their house was quiet mostly because I was trying to think of ways of how I would approach Dustin about the recent news about our so called relationship with each other.

Dana: mom?

Mom: I'm in the kitchen

I walked into the kitchen and seen my mom standing near the oven making a pot of soup, she walked over to me and gave me a hug before looking at me which as soon as she did she knew that I was upset.

Mom: what has you upset dear?

Dana: something that I heard on the television back home, I was hoping you could give me advice on what to do.

Mom: does this have something to do with that handsome young man that you have been hanging out with?

Dana: yeah, how did you know?

Mom: its all over the newspaper. I read about it early this morning. Dana your father sent you to America so you could have a better life than what you did while you was living with us.

Dana: it isn't like I planned it mom, it just happened.

Mom: and there must be feelings somewhere between you and him or else you wouldn't waste time hanging around him.

Dana: we're just friends mom.

Mom: I see and how does he feel towards you.

Dana: he kissed me a little over two months ago but we worked things out since that has happened...

Mom: honey, if there is love between the both of you than maybe it is best to accept them instead of running away from it. If you feel anything for this boy he deserves to know how you truly feel about him.

Dana: and what if he rejects me mom?

Mom: well at least he'll know how you truly feel about him, just give it a try.

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