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Dustin's POV

I had gotten a text from Dana telling me that she was back home from visiting her family and that she needed to talk to me about something which I couldn't do right now cause I was getting ready for a concert tonight. Several hours passed and everyone starting piling in to get a good seat, I was about to head out onto the stage when I seen her, she had snuck in through the back just so we could talk alone...

Dana: I really need to talk to you.

Dustin: let me finish singing two songs and we will talk, wait for me on my bus.

I flagged down a security guard and had him escort Dana to my bus and I quickly hurried to the stage. After I finished up I walked to the bus and shut the door behind me and seen Dana seating near the table, I grabbed a water from the fridge and sat across from her.

Dustin: so what is that you wanted to talk about?

Dana: I wanted to know where we stood right now...I need to know

Dustin: what do you mean?

Dana: I mean are we still friends or is there something more? It's sorta been bugging me since the night you kissed me and please be honest with me.

Dustin: you want honesty? Yes Dana I have feelings for you and want more than your friendship, you're all I have ever thought about since we first met.

Dana: so how are you feeling now?

Dustin: I feel like holding you close and never letting go, I love you Dana and I wish you felt the same way too.

I watched as she looked down while I stood up and begun to walk away but I stopped when I felt her grab my wrist.

Dana: please don't walk away.

Dustin: what would you have me do Dana? you made it clear that you're not interested in dating anyone yet.

She walked closer to me and wrapped her arms around my neck while looking me in my eyes as I tear rolled down her cheek.

Dana: I only said that out of fear.

Dustin: why are you so afraid?

Dana: I'm afraid of losing you, Dustin there's a possibility that I may never see you again if you walk away now.

Dustin: you could never lose me Dana but I have a concert to finish, you're welcome to stay here if you like.

Dana: can you do one more thing for me before I go?

Dustin: anything.

Dana: can you show me how you feel about me?

I pulled her closer to me and gently kissed her lips and felt her kiss me back, I picked her up and deepened the kiss while she wrapped her legs around my waist but it was interrupted by someone knocking on the door reminding I had to finish the performance

Dustin: I better get out there before the fans get angry and demand their money back. Stay here though and we will finish talking when it is over.

Dana: okay but I need clothes if I'm going to start traveling with you.

Dustin: sure just don't go anywhere.

I walked off the bus and finished performing for the fans before they all left, I seen Dana walking on the stage and over my way while the guys finished packing up the equipment, I picked her up and spun her around while she gave me a quick kiss and heard he whisper into my ear.

Dana: I love you Dustin...

Dustin: I love you too Dana...

*Author Notes*

So what do you think about Dana and Dustin, Will they make their relationship work or not? Comment your thoughts below

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