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Dustin's POV

I was sitting around when I heard what Dana told me before she slammed the bedroom door and locked it before I could get inside the room with her, Brantley left in a hurry which I didn't blame him for it.

Dustin: baby please open the door so we can talk

Dana: go away Dustin! I don't wanna talk to you right now.

Dustin: I'm not going anywhere until you open this door.

I begun beating on it which was useless, she stayed in the room and I gave up trying to plead with her, I sat back down on the couch and fell asleep while waiting for a sound or something that would tell me she wasn't mad at me for what I said...instead she left a note explaining that she had to go, where she went only she knew and I was left guessing. She could be anywhere whether it was at Melanie's or flying back to where she was originally from, I knew that she needed her space and I was willing to give her that.

Dana's POV

After Dustin settled down, I quietly opened the door and seen him sleeping peacefully on the couch, I wrote a note explaining that I was leaving...I needed to get away from the stress for our baby's sake. I had my clothes packed in a bag that I left next to the door and left the note taped to Dustin's Guitar so he could see it and I left without waking him up and headed to Melanie's house. I knew she would let me stay there for a few days I just had a four hour drive before I arrived at her new house. I finally arrived and knocked on her down after parking my car in the driveway.

Melanie: Dana what's wrong chica?

Dana: me and Dustin had a fight, is it okay if I stay here for a few days Mel?

Melanie: of course you can, my place is always yours anytime you need it.

Dana: this is why I love you.

Melanie: uh yeah sisters before misters and besides we haven't had a day out in forever so get dressed and lets go.

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