Chapter 1: Picking up a little boy

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Author: Zi Jie
Translator: miss red

This is barely edited


Ren Xi parked the car on the side of the road where he could stop - well, it is not allowed to stop in the highway, but what about it? The front of the road has a vehicle blocking it, and it is faintly visible that several traffic policemen waving flags are performing official duties, and there are vehicles coming close to each other. According to this situation, you still have to wait a long time because of the traffic jam.

Ren Xi is tired, he touched his own temple. At this moment the sun set at dusk, but the summer heat is still lingering. The drinks on the car have already been drunk, but Ren Xi still feels the hunger and thirst in his mouth. He needs some water to moisturize his dry lips that seem to be split.

The bloody red sun shines through the glass into Ren Xi's miscellaneous car. Because it has been in traffic jams, Ren Xi has turned the radio on, and kept the volume down as much as possible to listen to the broadcast of the nearby expressway service station. The staff in the broadcast briefly explained the reason for the traffic jam on the expressway in a rigid tone. It seemed to be a series of accidents involving the rear-end collision. Then, the broadcaster began to repeatedly request the vehicles to be diverted as much as possible.

"Damn! I can't get out! It's all cars before and after." Ren Xi screamed at his steering wheel more violently. Fortunately, his steering wheel is still strong!

"Uncle... Are we here?" Probably the sound of Ren Xi's steering wheel was a little loud, and the little man who fell asleep in the back seat was woken up, stumbled and rubbed his eyes and whispered.

Ren Xi looked back and looked at the child sitting in the back seat of his car. He said with a gentle, gentle tone. He said with a smile: "You still need to wait a while, Xiao He can continue to sleep."

The child who sleeps in the back seat of Renxi's car is a... He don't know the surname, He only know that the name is Xiao He, about five or six years old, and he doesn't have any relationship with Ren Xi, it is not Ren Xi's son nor his relatives. It is a child who was randomly picked up on the road by Ren Xi.

As for why he wants to bring back the little boy, this is also the reason why Ren Xi was a little bit entangled. He drove to the middle of the night at midnight on the highway. It was a bit unbearable, and he found an emergency stop. He stop and stand on the side of the road to smoke and refresh, so for a while, he saw a little girl on the deserted grass on the side of the highway.

There were no people in the wilderness, and no other people can be seen around. So he saw a little boy who was there. Ren Xi was a little surprised. At that moment, he thought that the child was killed and it is thrown away in the wilderness.

But when he walked over and saw that the child was just asleep, she only fell asleep there.

Although Ren Xi is not a sympathetic person, it is not good to ignore a child who is a few years old in such an uninhabited place, so he walks over and picks up the child. He come, and want to wake him up.

There are no lights in the desolate wilderness. Although Ren Xi's headlights are on, but the light is not big, Ren Xie simply took the child to his car. The ray of light hits him, Ren Xi discovered the strangeness of the child in his arms.

The clothes worn by the child were extremely unfit, and the shirt that he is wearing is a shirt that an adult would wear, and there was no trousers. It was all red, but it was confirmed to be a boy.

And the children's clothes also have large pieces of blood.

Ren Xi uneasily looked at the child's clothes and saw that he doesn't have wounds, so he could be sure that the blood was not his own.

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