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Elsa's POV

We all stopped on our tracks when someone called me.

"Elsa?!" Matthew shouted.

"Oh, hey Matthew!" I said smiling.

"What are you doing here?" he asked me.

"Well, hanging out with my family." I answered.

"Ahem!" dad faked cough.

"What?" I asked dad.

"Who is he? Mind introducing him to us?" dad asked me.

I looked at Anna she was sqeualing, I glared at her.

"Dad, he is Matthew.My friend." I reminded dad.

"Ok, excuse us Matthew." dad excused.

Matthew just waved at me and we left.

"Dad, he is just a schoolmate." i told dad.

"Yeah sure." he said.

It was obvious that he wasn't convinced. Jack was giggling and I mouthed a "what". He shrugged and I just laughed at his behavior. Right now, I am being close with this Jack. Wait, close? It is just a laugh! Anyway, back to reality. Dad and mom were readying the things for our picnic. Jack went to me and sat beside me. An awkward silence was at the moment.

"So...... Who is the guy from earlier?" he asked while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ugh, you too? Anyway, he is Matthew. My schoolmate." I asnwered.

"You mean our schoolmate." he corrected.

"How about you? Do you have any crush or likes?" I asked for my payback.

"Payback time? Ok, no. All girls are just too cakey. Too much make-up, well..... except you, Anna and Emma." he added.

"Ahem, Merida and Punzie too." I corrected him.

"Well, Punzie is sometimes putting on some of it." he said while not looking at me.

"Ok." I said.

"Elsa, Jackson! Time to eat!" mom yelled.

"Jackson, huh?" I said while giggling.

"Ugh, mom just call me that even though I remind her..... a lot." he added.

I laughed and we all ate the tuna sandwiches.

"Hey kids!" dad said.

"Dad." I reminded him.

"Well, teenagers. Want to go to the amusement park?" dad offered.

"Yeah!" we all screamed.


Dad decided to pair as up.

"Anna and Emma, Me and Alex, Elsa and Jack!" dad said.

"Wait,why can't Anna and I be paired?" I asked.

"Because we want you to be close to each other and besides, you always go with Anna-. dad said but was cut off with Jack.

"You have a problem with me?" Jack asked me.

"No, of course not. I'm just asking." I asnwered.

"Let's go!" Anna yelled.

We entered the amusement park. Jack went in first. Gosh, he sure is a gentleman. I went in and walked fast so that he would be behind me.

Jack's POV

This girl is something. I just sighed and held her hand. I pulled her on a booth.

"Two tickets please." I told the seller.

"Umm, what are we gonna ride?" Elsa asked me.

"The Haunted House." I answered while smiling.

"W-what?" she asked me.

"You scared Sass Queen?'' I asked her.

"O-of course not, don't call me that!" she yelled at me.

I nodded and pulled her in. Wait, this is wrong. Why would I bring her in a haunted house? Oh yeah, to scare her. We were walking when we heared an evil laugh. Elsa gasped and breathed heavily. I laughed in my mind. Then a lady in white appeared. Elsa jumped and hugged my chest. I just opened my arms not hugging her and still shock on what she did.

"I-I'm sorry'' she told me.

I nodded and we continued. Our journey ended.

"Phew, that was close." she whispered but I heard it.

"I heard that." I told her.

She looked at me like I am going to eat her. I saw a store and asked her..

"You hungry?" I asked her.

"Yup, I'm going to buy my food." she said and walked.

I held her and she stopped.

"My. Treat." I told her and went to an ice cream store.

"What flavor?" I asked Elsa.

"Chocolate, please." she answered.

I went to the lady and she gave me a chocolate ice cream and a vanilla ice cream. I gave it to Elsa and she started licking on it.

"So want to have a little fun?" I asked her.

I am planning something.

"Sure, but what kind of fun?" she asked.

"This." I said.

I put my ice cream on her nose and a bit of it was on her nose. She got shocked and I ran. She threw her ice cream and started chasing me. We were laughing then I didn't see her anymore. I looked around me and saw a lot of people but no Elsa. Then someone jumped on my back. It is Elsa! She was laughing very hard and I was too. This is great! She got off of me.

"Here." Is aid while handing a tissue.

"You really got me there." she said.

"How is it going?" dad suddenly popped out of nowhere.

"Gah, you scared me. We are fine, are we going cause I am really tired." Elsa said.

"Yeah." dad answered.

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