Engaged, who?

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Jack's POV

I have a feeling deep inside of me that this Matthew is a complete jerk. I totally got pissed off because Elsa let Matthew be her suitor. I got really mad that I went upstairs not saying a word. I think I overeacted again. Did I? I looked at my window. My room is next to Elsa's and every room have a door next to another room which means my room has a door connected to Elsa's. I heard a slam and looked at the door connecting to our room. I saw Elsa and someone was on the phone. I decided to listen.

Elsa: Hi Dad, how's it going?


Elsa: When are you going to go home?


Elsa: Now? Yay, we miss you.


Elsa: actually dad, I have a suitor.


Elsa: Dad he isn't my boyfriend. He is just a suitor.


Elsa: Oh dad, I am old enough to have one besides, you are having fun with mom right?


Elsa: Fine, love you dad.

The call ended and she crawled to her bed. I didn't leave yet, I want to hear more.

Elsa: Do I like Matthew? Basically, he isn't my type but when I get to know him better, I would learn, right? Ugh, it's too complicated. I believe that my true love is out there. waiting for me............ I hope I find him.

She closed her eyes and I closed the door silently so she won't hear me. I do have this feeling that Matthew isn't the true love shew as looking for. It is..... somebody else. Ugh, what am I thinking? Like she said, she is old enough to handle it. She could take care of her self. Or she can't? I was bothered by my thoguhts when a knock was on my door. I opened it and saw Elsa. 

Jack: What is it?

Elsa: Are you still upset?

Jack: Right now, a little bit. But don't worry, it'll wear off.

Elsa: Phew, I thought your still mad at me.

Jack: Ok now bye.

I was about to close the door but Elsa put her foot on the door so I won't be able to close it.

Elsa: Not yet.

Jack: Why?

Elsa: I am going to ask you. My friends are coming for sleepover and today is friday so they can go home at Sunday night. You want to invite your friends? The more the merrier..

Jack: Fine, is that all?

Elsa: Yup, thanks!

She left and I called my friends. Flynn, Hiccup, Aster and Kristoff. They said they are coming. This will be great.

Anna's POV

The doorbell rang, maybe somebody, it's our friends! I opened the door and saw a guy with brow hair and brown eyes, a guy with a blonde hair, a guy with a grayish hair and a guy with brown hair and green eyes.

*My Jealous Stepbrother*Where stories live. Discover now