I blushed?

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Elsa's POV

All of us got out of the pool and went inside to take a shower. Since we have a shower room for boys and girls, we did. A curtain was the only divider of the shower room between boys and girls. I was soaping my sexy body, ehe, when my soap slipped and went to the boy's section. I have to go there. I got my robe and called jack. ''Jack, my soap slipped and can you please hand it to me?'' I asked politely. Jack came out with a towel covering his bottom part.

His hair was wet and he smirked. He handed me the soap and closed the curtain. Why can't he be not too cold? He is perfect for me but, I wish he was a happy person. I went back to my spot and shampooed my hair. I am done taking a shower and Jack slid his curtain. The both of us is done. He just gave me a sly smirk and walked to his room. That smirk! I also walked to the room and changed my clothes. I heard a scream from the living room. I went down and saw Punzie and Anna dancing. 

''What are you doing?'' I asked them. The others came and looked at them. They stopped dancing and Anna pointed a finger on the t.v. ''Tonight, the moon will be big and bright and it is called Supermoon!'' she shouted and raised her right hand like Superman. ''Let's wait for the moon to come out!'' Hiccup requested. We all nodded. ''What time is it anyway?'' Jack asked. ''11:00 sharp!'' Punzie answered. Oh this is going to be great.

*time skip*

Still Elsa's POV

It is already 10:00 and we already readied our materials to observe the moon. We can take pictures and stuff. Merida even brought her Monopod so that it would be easier for us to take a selfie. I got a large mat and put it on the floor of our rooftop.  They are still cooking some food so that we would have a picnic on the rooftop while looking at the moon. I went to the kitchen and saw Anna and Punzie holding their hair brush and they are using it as a mic. These two are really close to each other. I feel.... out of place. They are enjoying without me. On the other hand, Merida is looking at them weirdly and is covering her ears. I laughed at the sight. Hiccup is being the nerd he always have to be.

Wiat, did I just made my own tone and sing?

Nevermind, he is holding a book. I saw the cover of the book and it is kinda funny that he is reading "Tips on How to Get a Girl''. Ooohhh, who is he gonna ask? I saw jack and Aster waiting for the popcorns to be cooked. I didn't know that Jack can cook? Oh Flynn, he was looking at the mirror admiring his looks. How silly. I think he is making a move to Punzie. I just stood there smiling like an idiot. I'm glad to have friends like them. ''Hey guys, popcorn is ready and the rest of the foods that you requested are done so, let's get going. It's 10:30.'' Jack said while looking at his wrist watch. We all stopped on what we are doing and went to the rooftop. I saw Jack, Aster and Flynn having a hard time carrying the foods and materials so, I approached them and said.

 ''Let me help you with that, I could see that Hiccup is still busy reading tips on how to get a girl.'' I said. They all looked at each other then shook their head. ''I still have my biceps and my hot six pack abs. We could do it.'' Jack answered. ''Are you sure?'' I asked while raising my eyebrow. ''Yeah, if you want you could feel it.'' Jack offered. ''Umm no, I'm fine. I'll just go there, bye!'' I said and walked quickly. Jack is really weird. I sat on the mat and Punzie sat next to me. The boys came and sat down too. I saw Punzie eyeing on Jack. ''Punzie, do you like Jack?'' I asked her. She looked at me confused then laughed. ''No, of course not. I have Eugene. Oh, I wasn't looking at Jack. I was eyeing at Eugene.'' she answered with a smile.

What has gotten into me? It's not that i'm jealous, right? Or am I? He is my soon-to-be-stepbrother. Maybe I was just concerned for Jack. Nothing more. ''It's 10:45!!!!!!!!'' Anna sqeualed. It was really loud. I bet she's excited. Punzie left and went to sit next to anna. I sighed, now, I am alone. But now I wasn't. Jack came to sit next to me. ''Why are you alone, Elsa?'' Jack asked me. ''I am not, I just feel... out of place. They are having fun without me, even my sister.'' I asnwered and looked at my right where Jack wasn't sitting. He put a hand on my shoulder. 

''Me too. Aster, Flynn and Hiccup were talking about their hiking experiences were I didn't join. I regretted it, I should have joined them.'' he told me. ''It's ok. At least you learned from it and maybe next time, you would join them!'' I cheered him up. He smiled at me and took a popcorn. '''They don't know we have the popcorn.'' Jack whispered. I laughed and took a popcorn too. The clouds were out of sight and the moon was shown. It was big and bright. I extended my legs and put my hands on the floor on my back to support myself. Jack did the same and accidentally held my hand. He looked shocked but didn't mind it. I looked at Jack who was blushing.

Looks like fun is in the air. I have to make him blush more. i laid my head on his shoulder and pouted. He blushed more this time. The fun ended when Merida shouted. ''Selfie everyone!'' I looked at Jack who was still blushing. I laughed and walked to them. They were already posing with Merida's Monopod. Jack went beside me and we took alot of pictures. One was normal. Then serious, then wacky and many more. It was fun. This is the best night of my life ever!

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