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Elsa's POV

I know when you hide alone in your car

Know all of the things that'll make you who you are

I know that goodbye means nothing at all

Comes back and makes me catch her everytime

She falls.

Those lyrics were played which woke me. She Will Be Loved is my favorite song. It makes me special. To me, It is like I know that one day, someone would love me with all his heart. I stood up and got ready. After getting ready, I saw Jack eating cereals on the table. Wow,that is the first. He wasn't the early bird. "Goodmorning." I greeted him.

He did not reply. How rude. I sat infront of him and waved my hand close to his face while saying. "Are you alright? You look so..... down." I said. He looked at me. I saw anger in his eyes. Did I say something wrong? "What's with the things you made with him?" he asked me.

"Things? With who?" I asked him back. "With Dominic. You have Matthew as your suitor and I agreed even though I do not want to. But what's with Dominic now? Are you a two-timer?" he asked me with no expression. I stood up from my seat and slammed my hands on the table.

"Excuse me?!? I don't know what you are talking about. Where did you get that?" I asked him. He showed me my phone. My phone. A message was there. The message said....

Dear Honey,

I know that you still have that charm bracelet I gave you. Actually, I want you to watch over that Jack and I will do those stuff with you that you requested to me.

Lots of Love,


I was shocked. I looked at Jack. ''It is not what it looks like. I am not working for him and I won't do stuff with that Dominic!" I yelled. He nodded unconviced. He still doesn't believe me. "The bracelet." he told me. "I don't have the bracelet! Why can't you just believe me?" I asled him. He stood up and went to his room.

I sat back to my seat and ate my breakfast. What is wrong with him?

Dominic's POV

What, not possible for me to have a POV? Anyways, I accidentally sent my message to Elsa instead to Vanessa. They might realize that I am planning on something. I went to my motorcycle and drove to school. I saw my third girlfriend, Vanessa at the entrance of the school. She wore short shorts and a top that was revealing her stomach. I went to her and said.

"Give me those lips." she walked to me and she pulled my neck to kiss her. Yup, I have three girlfriends at the same time. I kissed her neck and she held my neck deepening my kiss. I pulled out and I told her the plan. She nodded.  I have three girlfroends yes but Vanessa is the one I most like. She is a bad, hot, pretty girl. That is why. She also works for me. She  will get Jack out of the way so that I could get Elsa.

Jack is protective. Vanessa knows that I have other girlfriends but she didn't mind it because she knows that I will end up with her and that I am not serious with other girls. I only liked Elsa because of her money. Yup, not true love. I am a dumbass.

Vanessa's POV

I was walking fast to Jack's locker even though I wear high heels. Some boys were whistling at me.I don't care. I know that I am hot. Hotter than Elsa too. Gavin would use Elsa to get money and then might end up killing her to have the money then come back to me then have tons of kids. Haha, nice plan.

I reached Jack's locker and he was there with Elsa. Elsa was teary eyes making Jack believe in something. Jack didn't answer and Elsa left. Jack frowned and I could tell that he was sad. Really sad. I approached him and he looked at me.

"Hi, my name is Vanessa. I see that you and Elsa are having a bit of argument." I told him. I should gain his trust then spend time with me then don't have time for Elsa. "Yeah, I just-. This is not part of your concern. I just met you." he said coldly. Ouch. "It's ok. I understand you." I told him in a sweet but fake voice.

Jack's POV

Who is this Vanessa? She said she understands me. No, you just met her. "You do?" I asked her. She nodded. "Can we be friends?" she asked me.

"I believe we can."

Those words came out of my mouth. Did I really mean that? She smiled and left. Something looks suspicious, why did she approach me and know that we arguing? Is she a stalker or something?

Author's NOTE:

I have ideas. Pls comment if it is good.

1. Wake Me Up, When September Ends....- Jack and Elsa broke up. Part of them tells them that they still love each other. How will they confess? Part of them tells them that they would just get hurt again.

2.Borrowed - Elsa loses her memory. She met someone else instead of Jack. Jack on the other hand is depressed and does not know what to do. Will destiny bring them together?

3. Revealed- What if your boyfriend is lying to you? This happened to Elsa. She thought her boyfriend Jack is really wealthy. He buys her things even though she is not asking for it. That was when she knew that he is the top 1 criminal of their city.

4. A Sister's Sacrifice- What if your sister loves the love of your life? Anna met Jack and fell for him. Elsa let Jack go for her sister Anna who has stage 4 Cancer. She wants Anna to experience love before she die. But Jack doesn't want to love a girl that he does not really love. What will happen?

5. Unacceptable- Elsa's family is rich. They own alot of companies. Jack is not. He lives on the street with her sister. They both fell inlove and Elsa's parents didn't accept him. What will Jack do?

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