The Wedding Day and The Day He Realized <3

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Time Skip

Jack's POV

Today is the wedding day of my mother with Elsa and Anna's father. I am not getting excited actually. I have this other feeling of getting excited. Yes, excited. This is the first time I get excited. And this is to see Elsa. Yeah, why do I feel this? I don't know. Lately, I always miss Elsa. Why, why, why? 

I shrugged it off and got in my car to the church where we had mass together last time.When I arrived, Hiccup was there wearing his glasses. ''Hey bro!'' he greeted me and fixed his large glasses. There was a slow music inside the church when I entered. I am the best man.

It isn't what you think! I am the best man of today's wedding day. Dad was sitting on one of the benches and was shivering not from cold but he was nervous. It is like this is the first time he is getting married. Someone shouted, ''The bride is here!'' I stood up from my seat. I got excited to see Elsa!

I stand near the altar and it started. Some of our relatives were walking to their seats. And now, it's Elsa's turn. In my mind, she was walking in slowmotion. I am telling you already and ready to shout. She is very beautiful. She wore the green dress and few make-ups but still, her outer beauty is showing. Now. Now that I realized it. I know why I always feel like I have butterflies flying in my stomach. 

I like her


I love her

She went to the benches and stood up patiently and clamly. I want to go to her and tell her she is beautiul but, I have to stay here and she might know I just realized I love her. I didn't listen,  I got startled when the priest shouted, ''YOU MAY NOW KISS THE BRIDE!''. Mom and our new dad kissed not too long nor too short. I looked at my feet. When will I experience this?

With who? I want to be with Elsa but there's a teen, tiny problem....

She's my stepsister

I looked at Elsa who was clapping her hands with Anna. They were laughing. I smiled, I want her to be happy. The wedding ended and they decided not to have a reception because in other countries, having a reception brings bad luck. They would leave later to leave and stay in London for a week for their honeymoon.

''Bye! Don't have wild parties!'' mom said. ''We promise, bye! Have fun!'' Anna squealed. The door banged close and I looked at them. Elsa sighed loudly. ''What to do now?'''she asked me and Anna. ''Let's invite Punzie, Merida and Hiccup for a sleepover!'' Anna requested. A minute later, they came. 

We watched movies and again, we played truth or dare. Anna spinned the bottle and it pointed on Merida. ''Merida, truth or dare?'' she asked. Merida go on for the dare. ''Kiss Hiccup!'' Anna squealed. Hiccup blushed madly. I knew he like Merida and Merida also likes him. They just don't know.

''What? Bu-!'' Hiccup was cut off by Merida kissing him. Hiccup was shock at first but closed his eyes and responded. Elsa and Anna squealed. Merida spinned the bottle and it pointed on Elsa. ''Dare.'' Elsa said without Merida asking her. ''I dare you to hug your siblings!'' MErida yelled. Elsa stood up. She pulled Anna to sit next to me and hugged us both. I hugged her back.

It is already time to sleep and Merida, Punzie and Hiccup slept on the guest's room. I went to my room. I jumped to my bed and closed my eyes. Now that I know I love Elsa. Life would start to be cruel. I hope everything would be alright.

Why did I get into this?

What would happen tomorrow?

Will Elsa learn to love me back?

Will Elsa and I's friendship be ruined because of my feelings?

Should I forget my feelings and think about what is good for everybody?

Should I listen to my heart and continue to love?

Should I look for someone else that can be the one?

Is Elsa the one?

Am I deserving for Elsa's heart?

What would be her reaction if she knew my feelings?

Should I tell anybody about it?

Should I just keep quiet and be trapped alone in my own?

Author's NOTE

HIYA! HE loves Elsa! HE realized! Pls vote and comment fangirls! I also want you to answer Jack's questions and comment it. Love yah!

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