Never Come Back

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Third Person's POV

Jack went to Elsa's room. He decidee to sleep in her room since she is bearing their child. Jack was pretty nervous about it but excited at the same time. Who wouldn't? Jack opened the door and went staright in seeing Elsa at her balcony. She was looking at the big, round moon and he went beside her.

  "I don't know, Jack. I'm afraid to tell mom and dad. What would they say? They might hate me fot the rest of our lives or worse, they would make me do abortion. Nobody knows what will happen. Nobody wants this to happen. But it's already here and we can't blame ourselves. Jack, please promise me that when we tell mom and dad, you'll alqays be at my side and never leave me." Elsa told him while frowning.

  " Even though you wouldn't tell me, I would mever leave you." Jack simply said which made her smile. Jack felt a bit tired so he brought Elsa to the bed and sleep. Elsa's head was on his chest trying to calm down. Nobody can bring it back to normal.


Elsa really wanted to make sure so she bought the pregnancy stick to do it on her own. After breakfast, she tried it and she closed her eyes wishing the doctor was wrong. She looked at it and saw two pink lines.

' Positive, I'm pregnant.' Elsa thought to herself. She put it inside a really small bag and she put the bag behind the vase of fake flowers. She was worried about everything. Jack came in and she sighed in relief that he didn't see the stick. She didn't want him to think that she was having doubts. Jack smiled and hugged her quickly. She just closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment.

  There was a knock on the door making Jack break free. Elsa opened the door and saw Anna.

  " Why don't you two always invite me? Let's hang out in your room!" Anna squealed and got in without Elsa answering. Jack was also shocked to see Anna looking around. When Anna's eye landed on Jack's,  she squealed and quickly tackled him into a bear hug.

  " Hi big bro!" Anna greeted him. When Jack heard her say the 'big bro' part, he frowned. He loved Elsa more than a sister. Jack just patted her back and Anna indian sat. She made them sit too and spoke,

  " I haven't seen you two like years! Just joking! Come on, let's party!" Anna yelled but disturbed by a knock on the door.

  " Sorry, but you can't party here. I have to clean the house! Come one, Anna. Don't pout. Just go to the mall or something." Their mom told them and they nodded. They left to go to the mall and Jack was the one driving.

Mom's POV

   I smiled thinking of my children hanging out and having fun. I was really thankful because they accepted each other so easily. I took Gerda, our maid, with me to help me clean Elsa's room. She had a broom and I have a feather duster. I dusted the dirt away from paintings to surfaces. I went to Elsa's table and took the vase off. I was dusting dirts off her table when I hearr something drop. I looked at the flooor and saw something white.

I sat on thr floor to pick it up  and examined it. A pregnancy stick. Why would there be a pregnancy stick in Elsa's room. I looked closely at it. What Is saw can make me  faint any minute.

Two pink lines...

I have to say this to John...

Author's Note

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*My Jealous Stepbrother*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora