Chapter 1 - 10/14/21

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A.N.: After watching Love, Simon and rereading the novel, I was inspired to write this for Andi Mack. Also, Cyrus' screename is going to be Lucas (because Cyrus is the villain in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, and Lucas is the male protagonist). It takes place three years in the future. Everyone except Amber and Iris (who are college students at Wesleyan) are juniors, and Kira (new girl in the new episode) who's Cyrus' younger sis (basically Nora in this fic) is a freshman.

8/24/19: I am editing the chapters to have consistency. A good example: I named Natalie's character Natalie Metternich and then proceeded to call her Taylor Metternich after calling her Natalie in the same chapter. Natalie and Taylor Metternich are two separate people.

Also, if you ever write an "email" in a story, type the email address out in the browser and copy-paste because it took five years to stop Wattpad from linking gmail.



DATE: August 24 at 4:23 PM


Dear Jet,

I agree with you on the concept of the importance of swings. Really, they're the next best therapy step, after dogs of course. When I get stressed, sometimes I go down to the park and just swing. It's like the best stress-reliever.

Sorry about your Math teacher. Sounds like he's a real pushover. Maybe you can get some tutoring?

- Lucas



DATE: August 24 at 6:34 PM


Dear Lucas,

I don't really want to do that. Thanks for your concerns though. The real reason I have this issue is because my brain isn't working properly.

It's like with me being closeted. Yeah, I figure none of my closer friends would care. But it's like this huge deal around here for some reason. Remember Walker Brodsky? Poor kid was just thought of as a mildly dramatic art student before he came out. Not that he seems to care too much, but the football idiots harass him enough.

I know I've got the type of friends who'd mess with me if they did find out. One secret at a time, you know?

- Jet



DATE: August 24 at 8:21 PM



There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with you. I think what you were trying to describe may be dyscalculia. It's this math dyslexia, and it's not terribly uncommon. If you talk to your teacher, I think he'll understand. And they'll respect your privacy.

I get your need to keep it a secret, though. My dad likes to make terrible gay jokes, and by terrible I mean bad quality but funny, albeit mildly homophobic. My best friend is really straight. He has a crush on my best friend, but I think my other best friend has a crush on him. Agh, straight people.

I know we both don't really want to be out, but I feel like I get to know you everyday. Wouldn't it be cool if we met each other in real life? I mean, no one would have to know our relationship. 

I just had a crazy thought. Wouldn't it be funny if we discovered each other in one of those trivia game things? Like if we were at someone's house together and we didn't know, and we were partnered up with people for that "How Well Do You Know" game? And your partner kept answering questions about you and my partner me, and we'd both realize who each other is? We'd get to know each other's real identities without anyone finding out.




August 24 at 10:00 PM


Dear Lucas,

I appreciate the thought. I really do. I'm not ready to admit it, but it's nice to know what I'm going through isn't stupid.

That thing about your dad sucks. My parents have been divorced for years, but we don't really talk about that hetero/homo stuff. I like it that way. 

Straight people are the WORST. Just kidding. Straight people trying to get the gays involved with their issues but don't support them are the worst.

As fun as the game sounds, I guess I'm just not ready for you to know who I am. We've only just started talking. It's all fun and games now, but what if things change if it becomes real? What if we do know each other, but we're from groups that hate each other? 

I don't want this to come crashing down.


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